HELLO HIVE!! (self introduction- harikrishnan B)

hello HIVE.png

a boy who fell in love with cinema!


yeah, that's me, I'm Hari, 21 years of age, from the land of Gods, India. I live in the state named Kerala an exquisite land flourish with greenery and huge varieties of animals. My family is a small family consist of me, dad, mom, and my best companion my dog (luke), a Siberian husky



luke says "HI" to everybody !

you might be wondering about the heading about the love for cinema, yes I'm in love with cinema. I'm a true cinephile and cinema is my home. Film is one of the most beautiful art forms created by the sapiens. When I watch a film I live in that art and it's my escape from reality.

cinema is everything for me !!

my favourite cinemas

  1. 12 angry men
  2. Amelie
  3. Cinema Paradiso
  4. the song of sparrows
  5. into the wild

and the list goes on, this is my letterbox profile check it out!
profile on letterboxd

you will love my place

this is Idukki, a district in Kerala and this is where I live..snippets from the awesome places near my home.





my interests

  • film and film making

i adore films and film making and I edit lots of stuff and I use adobe premiere pro for editing. Here is a link to an Instagram page where I post my edits and works, enjoy!!
account link

  • photography

I love framing the world and I'm a humble learner. Photography always makes my mood happy and content, the happiness while getting the perfect frame as same we imagined is euphoric. Here are some snaps I took during the course of my life.





  • painting and sketching

I think this my super talent, every individual have a talent that may be hidden and some lucky ones are able to enhance their inborn talent, mine is painting and drawing. I'm pretty sure that this trait is inherited from my family, my mom used to draw. Every stroke of colors provide meaning to the blank canvas and I can explore my perspectives and painting makes my life colorful and my favorite artist is Van Gogh. Here are some of my paintings and sketches






  • football

my favorite sport. The adrenaline rush while watching a champions league final is beyond my words. playing football is one of the most important stress relievers in my life ..the pure moments are stress free and passionate. My favorite football club is Real Madrid and my favorite player is Cristiano Ronaldo, no introduction needed😄

this is my team and we were champions (during my school days and I'm currently pursuing my undergraduate)


other interests are reading, traveling, gaming, etc. These are my major interest and music is a universal interest.. I mean who doesn't love music😂


so this is it. This briefly explains who I am. I'm looking forward to share my life with my fellow members on this wonderful platform and thanking you for your valuable time for reading this post and it means a lot to me guys!! cheers!😍

love and peace

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