Love and Hope: The Role of Blockchain

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Hope is that strong believe from within that assures us that things will get better even when our situation looks bleak. It is just an unexplainable feeling, it is like a force that convinces you to keep pushing on.

Love is undescribable, it is a very powerful word that make people care or want to change the conditions of others. When we love we want to make those around us happy, love makes us want to take away the pains of others, that force that pushes us to correct the wrong in our society.

Is the Blockchain capable of love and spreading hope? How does it achieve it?

Reading this in the first instance comes with a lot eye brow raising looks, some readers will be thinking @arinzegod12 that's impossible, a blockchain is a non-living thing, it can't be seen hence how can it be capable of love or spreading hope. Yes the Blockchain is a non-living thing but the individuals who run the Blockchain are living things capable of spreading love and hope. The blockchain becomes alive because of the activities of its community hence blockchain can influence real life situations, spreading love and hope where it is needed.

How is this achieved? What better way can a blockchain be an epitome of love and hope than through charitable contributions. Giving back to the community by helping those in need, touching life's and promoting projects that can have positive effects in the society. If it's one certain characteristics of every Blockchain is it's flexibility ability, adapting and adopting every sector of the society, hence I will be using the Xquake blockchain as a case study.

The Xquake blockchain was specifically built to change the world through charitable contributions, hence spreading love and hope. This Blockchain comes with a donation wallet and with the transparency which every Blockchain is characterized with funds are accounted for, easily dispersed and aid gets to places where they are needed most unlike centralized charity foundation which have become a source of money laundering.

Xquake blockchain uses ordinary individuals who are willing to change their Community, thus giving their charity feature a purely decentralized face.

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There are no central teams or official body but ordinary individuals supported by the blockchain to carry out these charity project. Hence we have recorded massive expansion and outreach in so many countries in a very short space of time.

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The first Xquake charity project carried out in Nigeria was oversee by @arinzegod12(Me), this charity project was to promote and facilitate literacy in schools.

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We tagged this project Educate A Child, Educate A Nation. With funds from the Xquake community we reached out to Three Hundred pupils of Trans-Ekulu Primary School, Enugu State, Nigeria. We provided these pupils with Stationaries, School bags, writing materials, mathematical sets etc. Working together with The Rotaract Club of UNEC, the Xquake blockchain showed love, hope and goodwill. The blockchain became alive influencing real life situations.

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Looking at the faces of these young pupils you can literally see the excitement and glitter of hope.


That is the power of the blockchain, spreading love and hope irrespective of your country, tribe, color, race or gender. The blockchain doesn't discriminate.

The photograph was taken by Franklin Obiji the official photographer of the Rotaract Club of UNEC

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