"This is an original drawing of a character based on the universe of the souls like game series, a dark fantasy drawing series"

Crimson knight - Souls like character design, original artwork

Hello alien community, today I come to show you a drawing that I made based a little on the universe of the dark souls games, I have always liked to draw characters that have an air of dark fantasy, I have always been a fan of that genre and I usually consume stories with that theme such as berserk, claymore or in this case, the dark souls saga games, which I have not yet had the opportunity to play since I have not had a decent console and much less a computer that can support them. oh well. This is the drawing and this is its story.

In life he was a knight under the order of a dark king, he was the most faithful knight of the order and one of the most powerful, being able to easily defeat a group of 10 men alone, his life was interrupted when they were besieged by a horde. of semi-demons and gave his life protecting his king, his will was so strong that his soul did not leave his dying body until he put an end to those demons that put an end to his mortality and thus be able to continue defending his king who, with his powers, he managed to defend himself until he was unconscious, only the two of them were left in his kingdom after the horde left when they thought they had finished off everyone, now he lives his second life wraithlike, even with his armor, his tunic and his powerful sword and powers that were granted to him after he no longer belonged to mortals, his strength was no longer capable of defeating 10 men, but even battling demons and heroes of legend, he will continue waiting for the moment when he can take revenge on those who took his mortal body and then spread terror now like a specter next to his king.

Hola comunidad de alien, el día de hoy vengo a mostrarles un dibujo que hice basándome un poco en el universo de los juegos de dark souls, siempre me ha gustado dibujar personajes que tengan un aire de fantasía oscura, siempre he sido fanático de ese genero y suelo consumir historias con esa temática como berserk, claymore o en este caso, los juegos de la saga de dark souls, que aun no he tenido oportunidad de jugar ya que no he tenido una consola decente y mucho menos una computadora que pueda soportarlos. pero bueno. este es el dibujo y esta es su historia.

En vida fue un caballero a la orden de un rey oscuro, era el caballero mas fiel de la orden y uno de los mas poderosos pudiendo vencer fácilmente a un grupo de 10 hombres el solo, su vida se vio interrumpida cuando fueron asediados por una horda de semi demonios y dio su vida protegiendo a su rey, su voluntad fue tan fuerte que su alma no salió de su cuerpo moribundo hasta que diera fin a aquellos demonios que acabaron con su mortalidad y poder así seguir defendiendo a su rey que, con sus poderes, logro defenderse hasta quedar inconsciente, en su reino solo quedaron ellos dos luego de que la horda se fuera cuando creyeron haber acabado con todos, ahora vive su vida como un espectro, aun con su armadura, su túnica y su poderosa espada y poderes que le fueron otorgados luego de que ya no perteneciera a los mortales, su fuerza ya no era capaz de vencer a 10 hombre, sino incluso batallar contra demonios y héroes de leyenda, seguirá esperando el momento en que pueda vengar de quienes le quitaron su cuerpo mortal para luego esparcir el terror ahora como un espectro junto a su rey.








Crimson knight - Souls like character design, original artwork

This is a cross post of @gooze/crimson-knight-souls-like-character-design-original-artwork by @gooze.

This is an original drawing of a character based on the universe of the souls like game series, a dark fantasy drawing series

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