5 Ways to Stay the Course

With everything going on in the world right now it can be scary. Especially if you're sitting at home with nothing to do, or if you have a significant other or kids that are driving you crazy right now, so I figured I might share a few things that could help you make it through your day.


"Leave the House"

If you're used to going to work every day, then when you usually leave for work, get dressed in your work clothes, do your morning routine, and then climb in your car and "leave for work". Even if that means just driving around the neighborhood or walking out the front door and then coming back in the house through the garage or the back door.

I once read an article by a mom who was talking about things she does to set-up a successful homeschool environment. One of the things that she mentioned was at the beginning of every school day she would walk out the front door and take her kids to school and walk in the back door. Then she was no longer mom, but Mrs. Teacher. Then at the end of the school day, she would do the reverse and become a mom again.

It may sound silly, but she swore up and down by it, and hey whatever provides some sort of normalcy or routine in these abnormal times can't hurt.

Pick up A Hobby

If you've ever wanted to learn how to play a guitar, code, or maybe start building your own video game like @enjar is doing, now is as good as time as any.


Work and unpacking is keeping me pretty busy right now, but I have a list of things that I would like to do once those 2 things begin to slow down, assuming my kids will let me. I'd love to start picking up and playing my guitar again, spending more time developing my online business by posting and creating more video content, and get back into reading the Halo series once again.

It doesn't have to be anything big, just pick something that looks like fun and start doing it!

Go For a Walk

With the exception of a few places, I think 90% of the world is still allowed to go for a walk. Find a place to go that seems pretty isolated or doesn't get a lot of foot traffic and go.


Local, state, and national parks, with the exception of those that are usually pretty popular, you can easily go for a walk on a trail and maintain a healthy distance between you and anyone around you. Plus, you'll get some Vitamin D which doesn't necessarily help you fight off the Corona Virus but does help make your immune system more healthy overall.

You can even use Google to see when these places are usually the busiest and stay away during peak hours and go when a time when you're least likely to run into a lot of people.

Treat Yo Self

I know you may be in a money crunch right now, but there are plenty of cheap and easy ways you can treat yo self. Take a long bath one night before bed, give your significant other a massage, or just spend all day watching movies with your family.

Enjoy doing nothing for once. I feel like in the US we have this sense of pressure to always be doing "something" even if it's for no other reason that to not be doing nothing. Take this time while you're supposed to do nothing and enjoy it.


I myself would love to be able to spend some more time with my family and just enjoying being with them. My kids are little right now and love every second they get with mommy and daddy so it is nice to be able to work from home right now, even if it means them sitting under my "work desk" watching YouTube videos and cartoons.

Learn Something

Maybe you've always wanted to learn how to trade crypto. Well take some of that airdropped hive, or that Steem which you think is going to 0 and sell it for Bitcoin. Find some YouTube vidoes, go to a website, or see if you can get some ebooks from your local library and read about investing in general.

Figure out what support and resistance means, stop loss, take profit, learn how to read a candle chart, and find some people on Twitter to follow.

Now would be a great time to pick up a skill, especially one that you could eventually use to start making money and start working for yourself with. That way you won't have to worry about the next market crash or recession because you'll be working for yourself and be smart enough to put some money aside for a rainy day fund.

I hope you found at least one thing in the article that will help you keep your sanity and would love to know in the comments down below, have you been doing one of the 5 things I listed above, or have you found something else to keep you busy and share with me what that is?

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