Introduce a food of Cantonese, Changfen 介绍一种广东小吃,肠粉


As a Cantonese, I often eat Changfen from childhood. When I was young, I often had Changfen for breakfast. In my eyes, it was just an ordinary food. However, through the efforts of itself , it become a special Cantonese delicacy , and many Changfen stores are opening everywhere.

But not all the Changfen stores can make a delicious Changfen. What kind of Changfen is delicious? First of all, the flour paste needs to be thicker to have a taste, too thin is like eating paper!

In addition, I have to talk about the ingredients. When I was young, the ingredients were only meat or eggs, but now there are many different ingredients such as pork liver, shrimp, beef, etc. Of course, which one you like depends on personal preference! I feel like to add a little lettuce will taste more refreshing!

The third is soy sauce. A good soy sauce is the essence of a Changfen, if a Changfen without soy sauce has no soul! The soy sauce in the Changfen store is generally specially made, not too salty, and slightly sweet. You must fill a lot of soy sauce for a Changfen, otherwise the soy sauce will be soaked up while eating, or you can add it in batches, so you don't worry about eating too much soy sauce!





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