Safe...or Fire(ed)

I dropped into my office early yesterday morning, just to show may face, ugly as it is. I was the first to arrive at 7:30am and did about an hour or so of work then spent a couple hours chatting with people, inquiring after how they are going like a good manager should.

The tone? Depressed, worried, concerned, fearful, angry...Feelings many around the world probably share. The main topic of conversation today was around their jobs and what may happen to them moving forward; Financial fears, more so than health fears.

Well, in short...Some will be fired and those that remain will have to take pay cuts, myself included. That's the reality of a covid-19 business environment.

Safe or fired

That's the real question many had, although some seemed more intent upon making sure they do less work for the reduced pay they'll receive...One even adamantly [and arrogantly] said he would definitely work less if he was to receive less pay. Hmm, ok, I get it...That attitude is why he's one of those on the you're fired list though and so I let him rant. He'll find out soon enough.

In contrast some accepted the prospect of 25% less pay and indeed some offered to have their pay voluntarily reduced.

Admirable but when it happens it will be wholesale, office-wide, not selective. Interestingly, these people are the ones working harder, trying to fill gaps and ensure that the business forges ahead which, in this environment, means the business keeping its head above the waterline in the hope of not drowning. Good on those people; It will not be forgotten when things pick up and wages increase again. It's people like those ones who will help the business be prepared to rebound when conditions improve.

And me? I'll take a pay cut too and I'm not happy about it...However I'm certainly not disgruntled...Just generally mad that this virus from China has affected my 2020 so greatly - A year that I was supposed to own!.

I'll earn 35% less each salary cycle (managers are taking a bigger cut). Further to that, with the industry and society in general being so affected, it will mean my ability to write business over-and-above my annual budget will diminish meaning annual bonus income will be much smaller than normal. Fortunately I met my budget with 4 months left in the financial year, but I'm lamenting the lost opportunity for bonus this year.

Life will go on though, which is the reason pay-cuts will happen instead of wholesale firing of staff. I keep plugging away from home, working on my attitude and mood and towards being here when the world emerges from this correction.

With much of the world locked down, businesses and services restricted, or also closed, and increasing pressure on households things are looking bleak for many people. It makes we wonder what will happen to the suicide rate moving forward...Maybe nothing, but to think that would be naive I think. Things will pick up though...It's just another element of life we all have to endure; Who knows, maybe be some will learn valuable lessons from this situation?

Are you safe or will you be fired?

Are you like me and in line for a pay reduction just to keep your employer viable? It sort of gives me a headache thinking about it to be honest, but life forces us into positions that are often difficult or uncomfortable...I think it's best to take ownership of one's own decisions and the responsibility for one's actions. I'm not a huge fan of the it is what it is statement, but in reality...Well...It is.

What do you guys think?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well

Don't be too proud to ask someone for help making sense of your feelings y'all...We're all just a bunch of flawed and imperfect human beings just trying to make our way through life as best we can. It's ok to ask for help...Don't wait until you're spiralling out of control. Stay in contact with your people y'all.

The image is mine.

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