Ripples in the pond

I've been feeling a little off-colour lately; A combination of life-stresses and that I've been pretty-much locked down like the rest of the world I guess. We're allowed to move about a little still although have been advised to stay home as much as possible so I've spend the lest few days doing that. I haven't minded so much as I have plenty to do, but it's left me feeling a little disconnected from the real world...It's wide open spaces that make my heart sing after all.

There's always online connection although for me that's a fairly limited opportunity as my only social media is hive. I chat or text with friends of course, but there's only so much of that I can do, so hive it is.

I'm not one to do platform-oriented posts very often; I just don't know enough about it and am reluctant to look like a fool by simply regurgitating someone else's hive-related post, thoughts or opinions like so many do. What I want to bring up though is the E-word.


I've read a few posts from people lamenting the lack of engagement within hive and whilst it's still new and finding its feet I think we could certainly have more engagement around the place. Don't you?

There are a couple of initiatives going around at the moment being the what does hive mean to me and hive introduction concepts that many people are posting about; Great concepts for sure, and designed around promoting hive into new markets and across other social media I suppose.

I get it, and agree...However, in my opinion, we need those masses we attract to hive to have something to see when they come over...I mean great content and a healthy and thriving community full of engagement between its members.

I'm not trying to indicate those concepts are not valuable to the blockchain...They are very valuable indeed, just that I'd like to see a lot more engagement between users as well; I think it's engagement that inspires people to create more content and engage themselves...It's like throwing a pebble into a pond I think, the ripples push outwards.

This is a social place. A place we can come to interact with others, learn and develop plus offer our own opinions and thoughts.

Some open up in a very personal way, others share their knowledge and skills and others keep us entertained with their humour and creativity, just a few ways hive connects us...It's that connection that brought us here from other places, that saw us band together and fight for our community with passion and pride and which ultimately lead to hive's creation.

It's the connection we have that will help us grow our community together, to seek and embrace new features and opportunities...New people too...That can only happen through great content and engagement. I don't just mean engagement in reply to a comment left on ones own post, but replies left on other people's too! It's that two-way interaction that will build relationships, each person's brand and the hive itself.

I understand this is a difficult time for many, the world is hurting through the virus situation, but it's also an opportunity to connect like never before, to engage whilst we have all this time on our hands...Come on, I know your movements are inhibited, the whole world's is! What better time than now to engage?

I don't know, maybe I've got it all wrong and have completely missed the point...But to me hive makes me think of bees, of individuals connected by a common goal and desire...Is that not what we are?

So, throw a pebble or two in the pond and watch the ripples; You never know how important your comment could be to someone else.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well

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