Bad start | Good end


Once you put everything in the right perspective, even bad times can be an opportunity to refresh your appetite, your desire.

Alex Zanardi

My day began normally, I woke up, but it spiralled out of control pretty quickly beginning with something I read quite early. Over the day I allowed that thing to poke at me [I was really quite mad about it] and before I knew it that one little thing had undermined my entire morning.

Come on G-dog, you know better than that, I thought just before 11:00 and decided to take control, treat that little thing as the poison it was, and cowboy up!

I saddled up the Big Dog, my 4x4, and headed over to the café I frequent daily for some food - I'd only had a cup of coffee for breakfast and was ravenous. I ordered, sat and plugged in my headset for some tunes; no work, no phone calls, no hive. Just tunes.

I hit random on my liked playlist and this track began playing; it's a beautiful and very passionate track and I'll admit I had a small crush on Amy Lee back in the day. Great song...But not mood-appropriate.

I heard it out though, I have a personality quirk that compels me not to cut tracks short, and swiped a few times to see what else might pop up and the start of something good began to play...I settled back, closed my eyes and let it wash over me, through me, taking with it the poison; cleansing my mind and soul. I drifted away with the music. Content.

My breakfast/lunch, I call it lunchfast, arrived and whilst it was simple it was very tasty, like me. [I mean I'm simple, not tasty.] It was a home made, thick cut, buttered rye toast topped with scrambled eggs, cheese, feta cheese and red chili. The green stuff is rocket, [arugula] which quickly got flicked over to the side. Coffee happened too.

As I ate I watched the video of the track I'd just listened to finding myself lost in thoughts of brunettes in summer dresses and cowgirl boots, open fields and spring days. You'll have to watch the video to know what I'm getting at. It was a nice moment that reset my day, sort of putting things into perspective. Thanks Daughtry, and eggs.

My day seemed a little easier from then, the blockage of that earlier thing had been dealt with, and faded away to the nothing it really was and I was back in the flow; feeling good.

I had a phone call with a close friend for a couple hours after work which basically brought about the most awesome end to the day and now...Well, now I'm working on my new posting contest due for release on Tuesday 7th September.

So...Perspective...It has an incredible ability to bump us back towards the direction we should be going, or desire to go, and can smooth out the bumps; sure they're still there, but they impact upon us less allowing us to turn a bad start into a good end.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

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