A little push

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Getting to amazing places isn't always easy, and starting off can seem the most difficult part; Often all we need to get us moving is a little push though, and the momentum starts from there.

It is with that in mind I announced that four hive users, have committed to a 4000HP delegation to a couple of users in return for a post here on hive. It is a simple concept and you can read the original post here.

We will select two worthy users based on their post-submissions and will delegate 2000HP to each for the period of a month. It's pretty simple.

This is open to all users regardless of reputation score and we urge all to enter as many times as you would like. We have had some great entries which you can see by going to either of these tags #engage-onhive and #post-onhive and I urge you to get involved.

The entry criteria

Posts must contain at least 400 words (no maximum).
Title post as per example - ENGAGE ON HIVE: your title.
Tag #engage-onhive and #post-onhive as your first two post tags.
You have until this post pays-out to enter.
Post once to be eligible but enter as many times as you like.
Post a link to your posts in the comments below.

Thanks to the other three delegators my original prize of 1000HP split two ways is now 4000HP spilt two ways so it's a great opportunity to draw some attention to yourself and enjoy some additional HP at the same time. Thanks to @meesterboom, @abh12345 and @tarazkp for throwing in some hive to augment my 1000HP.

It's easy to enter although I suggest you read the original post here. for a few extra tips which might work in your favour.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

Join the Engagement League by following the link and asking Asher to include you. It allows you to track your hive engagement statistics without lifting a finger, and compare yourself against the best in the business weekly. It's a good way to get your name out there and amongst some of hive's best engagers.

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