No resentment [ESP-ENG]


Greetings friends I hope everyone in this community is well, today I am going to talk about a topic that perhaps for many is easy to express, but for me it is not so simple.

Well, it is about the affectionate relationship that our grandfather had with my dad since he never lived with my father and much less was aware of his needs, but for dad that was never an excuse to give respect and affection to his father something that for many is somewhat difficult. In my case, as his grandson, I did not receive a very affectionate treatment from him towards me and my siblings, but we learned to have affection for him because my father always taught us not to be resentful and to forgive people when they repent. I say this because my grandfather at 90 years old has already apologized to my dad for his absence as a father and that is great for my dad and for us his grandchildren as well.

Currently our grandfather does not live near us because he is a little distant and on some occasions he has been sick, thank God he is a little better with his medications but yes, he is much better.

So I made this poem for my grandfather and when I see him again I will say it to him

Dear grandfather you were not by our side
you were not in our life,
but you were not separated from our hearts;
sometimes we saw you and we were afraid of you,
but daddy with his words calmed us, he told us that he is your grandfather and that does not change

Sometimes you have made us sick
and it hurts us to see you lying there in a bed
We don't leave your side because we don't want you to go away.
you to leave us;
You are our grandfather and now we love your presence

We always want you alive and healthy grandfather so that you can share with your relatives who are the ones who love you;
Now life is better because with you in our lives everything changes, we love you and never leave our lives again

Now we see you and joy gives us
we see you and we want to be with you
The distance will not separate us and when we can together we will always be our grandfather and that will never change



Saludos amigos espero todos en esta comunidad se encuentren bien, hoy les voy a hablar de un tema que quizás para muchos es fácil de expresar, pero para mí no es tan sencillo.

Bueno se trata de la relación afectuosa que a tenido nuestro abuelo por parte de mi papá ya que el no vivió nunca con mi padre y mucho menos estuvo pendiente de sus necesidades, pero para papá eso nunca fue escusa para brindarle respeto y cariño a su padre algo que para muchos es un tanto difícil. En mi caso como su nieto tampoco recibí un trato muy afectuoso de el hacia mi y mis hermanos, pero le aprendimos a tener cariño pues mi padre siempre nos inculco a no ser resentidos y a perdonar a las personas cuando se arrepienten. Digo esto pues mi abuelo ya a sus 90 años le a pedido disculpa a mi papá por su ausencia como padre y eso para mí papá es grandioso y para nosotros sus nietos también.

Actualmente nuestro abuelo no vive cerca de nosotros pues está un poco distante y en algunas ocasiones se nos a enfermado, gracias a Dios el está un poco mejor pues con sus medicamentos pero si, está mucho mejor.

Así que le hice está poesía para mí abuelo y cuando lo vuelva a ver se la digo

Querido abuelo a nuestro lado no estuviste
en nuestra vida no estabas,
pero de nuestros corazones no te separabas;
en ocasiones te veíamos y miedo nos dabas,
pero papá con sus palabras nos calmaba, nos decía ese es su abuelo y eso no cambia

En ocasiones te nos has enfermado
y nos duele verte allí en una cama
No nos separamos de tu lado pues no queremos
que te nos vayas;
Eres nuestro abuelo y ahora tu presencia nos encanta

Siempre te queremos con vida y salud abuelo para que compartas con tus familiares que son los que te aman;
Ahora la vida es mejor pues contigo en nuestras vidas todo lo anterior lo cambia, te amamos y de nuestra vidas nunca más te vayas

Ahora te vemos y alegría nos da
te vemos y contigo queremos estar
La distancia no nos va a separar y cuando podemos juntos siempre vamos a estar, eres nuestro abuelo y eso nunca va a cambiar


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