Midas in Reverse - the tale of Joe

Today i'm sharing a story about a friend off mine that has been bothering me this last few months.

For sake of discretion lets call him Joe. Joe was born into a rich family and raised by his grandfather, father was not around, mother had issues with drinking same with the 2 brothers, still, in a well off family with money to spare, those things only become issues when you get sick because in general you have resources to keep your habits, bad as they might be. So Joe came to grow up with no regards for financial preservation, only would eat and go to the best places and, in comparison to the rest of the world, lived like a little king.

10 years pass and one day Joe came to me and told me he needed money, now, in a normal situation i would not think twice about helping a friend, but in this case it rubbed me the wrong way because i knew he came from a wealthy background so i asked why. Seems Joe was at home for a long time now, since the death of his grandfather, without producing nothing just laying around streaming games and drinking and going out late, so no wonder he was out of cash.

At this stage i made it my job to get a hand on this guy, cause he clearly had no idea of finance and rents and savings and all those things we normal mortals have to deal with. So the first thing was trying to get him closer with our friends, a social network can help a lot when the chips are down. I got Joe to move to another part of the city cheaper and with less chance for vice, bars pubs and other things of the sort, i also got in touch with a friend and we hook him up with a job, not a glorious job, but a cleaning job that paid around 900 euros month despite the hard work, this seemed to me the way that this guy would get out of the rabbit hole, up on his feet and building a new life for himself without depending on anyone.

Sadly i was mistaken, in 2 months Joe spent his wages not on paying what he owed to friends or landlord, he kept eating out instead of going to the super and cook his meals, and still, despite the long hours of work this guy just would not value money.
Now, i can kinda relate to this, i always tried to make more money, that was my first response, but in this case no amount of money was doing the trick. So again trying to help out i send this person 2 things to do in the spare time after work, i pointed him to Hive, cause he traveled, he had a lot of fun experiences he could share and get some rewards and build himself a profile, but it takes effort, effort that he never made... i also pointed him at the time he was working and getting paid, to GodsUnchained the blockchain game but after several talks and trying to reason with this person showing him the potential in saving money to invest in chests to sell later, the streaming the game potential revenue, i came to a realization, some people never change... No amount of counsel or help will change the way they organize their life and financial stuff.

Right now Joe is going on the third job, sold most of his stuff, portable computer, he does not eat properly unless we invite him over, all i see now in his house is coffee and some bread, and it makes me feel like a bad person that i don't do more, but i realized there is no point, this fellow has the touch of Midas in reverse and everything he touches turns to crap...

Seems clear to me now, that Joe will, in about 30 days, be out of time for the rent payment and will be evicted and homeless, and i see no way to make sense of that hard head, and i know it is not my problem, but i tried so hard to put some info on that empty head and seems it was all for nothing, this post is my rant about my total inability to help this person change, i wish i could, but i am convinced only when Joe hits rock bottom will he understand some facts of life, and if that day comes it will hurt me a lot also, no one likes to see a friend suffer...

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