Crazy pyjama people

Dear Diary,
It is quarantine day number I_lost_count_which. The streets are still quiet and the car that drives by with huge megaphones telling us all to stay at home showed up again. But why he has to do it in the morning! Why? Why he has to wake up people like that? Like if we all waited for 8 am to get up and run away. (now I had that crazy image in my head of people running around the streets in they pyjamas. No one is crazy... no one is crazy..).

It was nice and sunny, the sky was blue so instead of going to the park or nearby beach I took 2 steem outside to my balcony. You know, Diary, if I put a green towel on the floor and lay down on it it might feel like laying in the park. The plants are big and blooming. I just must remember not to open the eyes and look at the balcony above...

And while I was on my balcony looking for crazy people in their pyjamas I had a look at the plants. The warm weather, sun and some rain now and then does a good job! Every plant is clean, fresh and watered. Some are blooming, some are fattening their buds.

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Hawortia fasciata

I don't think I even showed the Hawortia flowers. I have two types and I do like those plants, but for their leaves and hardiness. The flowers are meh. Small on tall flower stems. One is just growing the buds (above), the other ones is in bloom and I will go take some more photos to show you how cool the plant is.

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Echeveria purpusorum

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Kalanche Lucky Bells

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Pelarginia Regalia Lilac

Lastly a lucky tree seeds that started to grow in one of my pots. I don't think the Freesia likes the company, but I like the little trees (3 of them). The leaves are lovely and big and give nice shade in summer. In the fall they turn yellow and also look nice. Now the fresh green with red stems look so cheerful!.
I am planning to keep it and when it reaches the top of the balcony fence I will form it somehow. Cute thing :)

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Lucky tree

I envy the people that have gardens. Can go out, sit and enjoy the weather.
But if it wasn't for the balcony and all the plants that start to grow and bloom, I would run in a pyjama on the streets by now :p

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.


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