My Introductory Speech Hive @ernesto6402

Greetings to all members of this prestigious community. Getting to know about the hive community is probably one of the best things that has ever happen to me. For the first time in my initial existence I came in contact with an online community that brings hope to hopeless passions and talents; a community that gives one reasons to continue doing what he/she knows how to do best. By being a member of the hive community, I see myself as being highly privileged; and as a matter of fact, I will do all that is in my power to ensure that I do not take this privilege for granted. To archive this then, I must ensure that I contribute my own quota towards the growth of the community.


Being my first and introductory post, it is highly important that I properly introduce myself to the community. Thus, I am highly required to speak about myself. First and foremost, I am Onaha Ernest by name. I am a Nigerian, and a native of Anambra State (a state located at the south eastern part of Nigeria) to be precise. I am also a graduate of philosophy from Dominican University Ibadan Nigeria.


I am a music lover; and beyond being a music lover, music is an integral part of my being. Thus, among all that there is, music is what I love doing the most. My love for music led me into learning the piano as well as the tenor saxophone. It has also helped me to further enhance my vocal capability.


Within my years of being a music practitioner I have grown beyond being a mere music lover. In other words, I am no longer just concerned with just the vibes that come along with songs. But beyond the vibes and the lyrics of a song, I pay close attention to the structure songs. Thus, I try as much as I can to understand the purpose of the artist. Paying close attention to the emotion that is being created by the artist, I also listen carefully to the progression and cord formation of the song.


I began my musical journey with a classical choral group (Gentle Seraph); there I acquired the knowledge of staff and solfa notation. Along with classics, the gentle seraph group was also involved with hymnals and African folk songs. Getting in contact with these genres of music, I was able to build a strong musical foundation. Moving beyond choral songs, I began developing interest for other genres of music. It was my interest in other genres of music that led me into learning musical instruments.


I got to know about the hive community through Samuel Kalu @ksam and his Big Boss Gifted Hands @startstrings01. Beyond being a very good friend of mine, Samuel who is popularity know as K Sam has greatly contributed to my music growth.



I long always to meet good musicians and to learn from them as well. And looking at the nature of the hive community, I have no doubt that I am in the right place. Thus, beyond shearing my musical capabilities with other members of this group, my major reason for joining the hive community is to meet great talents. And to ensure the growth of this community, I will also contribute my own quota by being an active member this community.

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