The Three Posts I Enjoyed Writing

         This post is my take on the "My three favorite posts" by Marky.

         According to, I have made over 380 top level posts. I'm not sure how accurate that number is, but alas. It's obvious that I don't remember everything I had written. I tried to recall some from my memory and here are the ones I felt pretty good about when I posted them to the chain.


I don't write good posts

         Actually, it's more like I don't write good titles. This was a post about how I obtained some spicy chicken nuggets from Wendy's for the first time in years. Wendy's took away this menu option back in March of 2017. As the post says, it happened during a dark time of my life. Those delicious bites were something I looked forward to. I remember walking away from the store when the the cashier told me that they no longer serve those nuggets.

         Of course, I didn't know they were back until a conversation with a coworker. By the time I caught the news, Wendy's had been serving them for about 3 months.


What are your thoughts about playing and spending money on games that are still on the Alpha Phase?

         This was one of my @musing posts. I liked it because it was straight forward. It's one of those posts I started writing and only required little, if any, edits. It's one of those posts where everything flowed without me forcing it. I wrote about how I felt and went with it.


Which standardized test is more appropraite for an international students who wants to study abroad; GRE , GMAT , or IELTS?

         It's another @musing post. This one didn't get any attention, but I liked this post because I thought I was being helpful. I remember how annoying it was to apply to universities and whatnot. It was general advice, but I felt it applied to many looking to apply to higher education programs. That process isn't cheap. Better plan ahead of time.

         Other than that, I like the random practical microbiology stuff where I try to explain things in layman's terms. When I first saw people doing this type of posting, I thought it was about three posts I liked on the blockchain. Then, I realized it was about the content I have created. It sure brings back memories.

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