Candid Journal Entry #9: Signs of Recovery?

         This is only relevant to people living in the USA. The stimulus checks should be rolling out to most people's bank accounts as we speak. How far can one stretch a $1200 check? Well, that depends on where you are in the country. Pretty sure that amount is peanuts for someone in New York or California. Some people may have gotten larger checks because of the number of children they have. I know one of my colleagues got over $5000. I'll let you do the math.


         Some may say handouts are bad. Tell that to people who have lost everything in this health crisis. To be frank, I don't see the checks as handouts as taxpayers are the ones who will most likely receive them. Let's ignore the possibility that the government will find ways to tax you for something else next year.

         The ramifications of this pandemic go beyond public health. I imagine the world will go into a deep recession after this. In fact, let's skip GO and head straight into depression. The new normal will never be like before 2020 again. Not for a long time.

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         On the other hand, the state of Utah are putting out estimates for recovery. How are those numbers helpful? They are not. They are numbers used to comfort the masses. I anticipate recovery stats to come out later this month or early next month. But, the most important number should be the recoveries from hospitalized patients.

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         If the goals were to flatten the curve and keep the healthcare system flow, we need recoveries. You can't expect to "open up the economy" when you cannot be sure that your hospitals won't be running at max capacity. The numbers may be stable, but they are not decreasing at the moment.

         I'm all for a more cautious approach to opening up again. The sad thing is, we will have to deal with the economic and social crises that follow. Oh wait, we never enforced the stay at home order by force. Funny how volunteerism works. We might be fine. We shall see.

         These are my opinions anyway. Sorry to put a damper on your day.

         Stay safe out there.

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