Introduction To The OCD Community

This article presents my brief introduction to the ocd community. I am not a newbie on hive though I have been in other communities for a while now and I discovered it’s an essential must to always introduced yourself to any community before making a post in such community.

I am a writer and an online content developer and a computer technician. I work with word press and also design website for my client. I have been trusted and tested with an efficient result on my dashboard.

In this article, I will be giving free tip on what you need to know about purchase of personal computers.


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What is a personal computer?
A personal computer is a computer owned by an individual for the purpose of carrying out personal interest.


A lot of members in this community has though about a step forward in advancement of your income. You basically find out that not all of everything your mobile phone can carry out.

You just need a personal computer. You just needs to go to a computer store to get one for yourself then.
This part presents why this article is so and exceptionally important for even crypto investors as well. Am going to be giving you free tips to take into consideration before you thing of purchasing a system otherwise known as a personal computer.

Before I elucidate on that, I will like to talk about my personal history. I have been into computer repairs and maintenance for five years now and I know what are the essentials you got to check in a system before you thing of buying.

Essentials to consider before purchasing a computer

Ram Size
Hard disk size
Processor speed
Functional ports and external hardware

These are the basic points I will be considering in details in this article.

RAM Size


The acronym for ram is called random access memory. It is a hardware part of the computer that aids assessment of randomly data currently used by the processor. In details, you use your personal computer to play songs, watch movies and even carryout a job for client.

Having carried out this, does your computer responds slowly to interaction of different apps currently used by the processor, if yes then you need a bigger ram. It is good to consider buying a personal computer with ram storage of 4GIG and above.

Hard disk size


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The size of your hardisk determines what you intend to store in them. If you are working with videos, of course you know videos consumes spaces a lot then you should be going for a hardisk worth 1 terabyte and above in size. But if you don’t intend working with videos 500gig might be enough.

Processor speed


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The speed of your processor tell how the system will be able to handle task given to it. There are different architectures of different processors ranging from core17, core i5, core i3 and lesser processors. 4gig and above.

Functional ports and external hardware
You have to ensure the usb ports and video graphics ports are functional in the system before you buy such personal computer. It is easy to carry out the test by using external flash or cable.

The price of a good system can be affordable with as low as $150. There is different price range depending on the ship fee rate.

This article has been able to present a brief about myself and tips to purchase a personal computer.


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