My letter of introduction on hive

In the name of love

Hi everyone ,
This is my first post in the hive community.
I am happy to be among you dear ones.
I am Ehsan, 36 years old, living in a village in East Asia called Yinge Qele.
I am an employee of the telecommunications department and deal with a lot of communication wires during the day, and besides this job I am engaged in farming and raising animals and plants and tree planting.

The dog running next to me is called Max, he is a big guy and is now paired with another dog named Jessica.
The vineyard where I live and live and spend my time is an 800-900 year old orchard planted by the Jews of the past, which is traditional and has a variety of grapes. It also has unique wine grapes that have excellent drinks with high acidity

And this beautiful girl in my arms is Anil, who after 15 years of living together with my wife. God gave us this child.
He is now 6 months old.

About Jessica, who I told you about in the beginning, she is in this photo next to me and Max, she is a female dog who is now pregnant and we hope that her puppies will be born safely.
This beautiful table that has been set is the Haft Sin table, suitable for the New Year, which is an ancient celebration.

Thanks to my dear friend @menati who introduced hive to me and
I hope that we will have a good time among you friends.

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