My introductory post


Never would I have thought that writing an introductory post about myself will be this tedious, often time we do not take time to really think about these questions who am I, how did I get to be the person I am today, what are the factors that contributed to me being me , most times we just go through life thinking "I know me" cause I know what I like and what I don't like but as I found out in the process of writing this , what I like and don't like does not necessarily translate to who I am, which is why I am thankful to @nelson-george for the class and bringing me on board to the hive community which has made me to sit and think about the question who am I?

My name is Isaac Asuquo Nkakang born and breaded in Lagos state south west of Nigeria while my State of origin is Akwa Ibom state situated in the south-south region , my primary and secondary education was in Lagos where I have lived most of my life while my tertiary education is in Akwa Ibom currently in my finals.

Have you ever felt like you are caught between two worlds never really fitting into either one well, that's me, being given birth to by parents from Akwa Ibom (Ibibio speaking people) in Lagos (Yoruba speaking people), I would say I am someone who embodies the struggle of these cultural conflict , my unique identity shaped by the clash of traditions, beliefs and values from two distinct culture . Despite the challenges and confusion that comes with this I am mostly thankful for this experience cause I am certain that it has contributed to who I am today, clearly seen in the course I chose to study in the University which is Sociology .Looking at it in hindsight , it's in a bid to properly fit in this society that made me choose to study Man and the Society (Sociology).

I am a reserved person , slow to speak and this makes me observe more than I talk, although in my early childhood days I wasn't quiet, black then I would have easily passed as an extrovert but then different life experience as altered that, made me loose confidence in myself and in a way made me crawl back into my shell , I became very reserved, although I use to think I wasn't not until my two closest friends back then both agreed I was a quiet person to my shock, reason being that I argue with these two people everyday at work and even when we get home but that particular day we were describing ourselves in one word and when it got to my turn they both echoed "quiet" it was then I agreed I was a quiet person, I loved my space until Christ found me , another experience that altered my personality not just that but also my world view, perspective, outlook and my mind set and this particular experience has majorly impacted who I am today and that's where I draw strength from (my faith in Christ) and helped me to resolve that confusion of the cultural conflict which can be summarized in this quote from Dike Chukwumerije poem "for where I was born is not where I am from , and where I am from is not my home ". I love playing football and video games, also like writing, I love working with people rather than working alone , I strongly believe that we can achieve things that are seemingly difficult if only we give it time and put our mind and body to it and these stem from another personal experience.

Character, personality are all results of different life experiences whether good or unpleasant and it's all this experiences that has shaped who I am today and I am glad and thankful to be in this community to gather more experiences that will further shape who I am becoming and also in my little way give a positive addition to the community

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