The extreme weather 🌧

Hello, friends how are you doing, and hope the weather over there is favourable😁.


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Weather is the condition of the atmosphere around a specific period, whether raining, sunny, cold or hot. The earth is unique, being the only planet with lifeforms in our solar system. so the weather around the planet is also unique.

Here in Nigeria, we have majorly two Seasons, which are the wet (rainy) season and (dry)harmattan season. And for the past years now the weather has been very extreme. The wet season spans from April to October.

And currently, we are in July the wet(rainy) season. And there is no place in Nigeria now where it doesn't pour rain every day. Maybe expect the northern part but the west and south now are just experiencing rain every day. And I am not even sure if we are at the peak of the rainy season yet.

Due to the rainy season, it is always cold and wet everywhere in my area. And the rain doesn't seem to show any sign that It will stop soon. It keeps raining cats and dogs every day, at least we have heavy rain 3 times a week. So you can imagine how cold 🥶 and wet the area will be.


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Because of this weather, you have to plan your outfits, doing the laundry and even your everyday outings, if you don't wanna catch a cold or come back home drenched which is very annoying.

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This weather has caused so much property damage because of the flood. Houses have been damaged, cars and other equipment even the electricity has been bad. But even though this weather has its drawbacks it also has its advantages.
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Such as, it is a good time to stay indoors and enjoy very warm chocolate, coffee or tea with a very delicious meal while watching anime...and men that feeling is so satisfying, I do this a lot during the rainy period even though I am enjoying, I become less productive 🤧🤧
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Well, this weather is also a very good thing for the farmers cause it helps their crops blossom, it's a season for yam and maize over here and without the rain, there won't be a very big harvest afterwards, because it's now the plants tend to grow very big production. And I am a fan of yam and maize...yam and egg is my best meal, one of the reasons why I like this weather and maize I love it either boiled or roasted depending on my mood.


I love the rainy season when I am indoors and hate it when I am outdoors, it might sound strange and funny but that's my sincere feeling toward the weather.

For those in Nigeria or planning to travel down kindly prepare for rainy weather ahead.

Thanks for reading to the end. Will like to know more about you, kindly drop a comment😁😁.till next time stay warm or cold as the case may be, stay safe and Help others in this season 😊.

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