Hello Hive Family,


My name is Christabel,

Exactly 17 years ago I was asking too many questions about how the human body works.

How do we get sick?
How do we get well?
Why does the medicine for stomach pain differ from that for headaches?
How does the medication know where to work?

I was a little girl, and unkown to me the questions I was asking were exactly pathophysiology and mechanism of action in pharmacology.

I guess my curiousity about the workings of the human body, stemmed from the fact that I was in and out of the hospital for a while as a kid.

I remember observing how the doctor knew exactly what to do to help me get well or maybe I mostly loved the fact that when ever he showed up my family seemed relieved and hopeful.
Most importantly I got the hint that a doctor knows the answers to the questions I am asking, so I chose to become a one.

Currently I am a 5th year medical student in Nigeria, and yes I have most of my answers...and of course, new questions!


I am a cryptocurrency enthusiast. I knew about the crypto world in 2018 but mostly got involved a year later just at the break of the pandemic. Covid19 lockdown gave me the time I needed to gain knowledge and skills in crypto and forex trading. It has been quite an eventful ride.
I host communities where I teach crypto for free, and I am also a youtube content creator.

I am passionate about health, wealth, and success.
I am a believer who loves God and genuinely care about people.

Honestly,I am a bit of an introvert trying to peak into the outside world step by step.

I enjoy peaceful and quiet environs, So much so, that I could have been a loner but I am blessed with friends that love me too much to let that happen. I looovvee kids, great with them as well.

My hobbies are few. I enjoy watching Interesting mind joggling movies, surfing the net, singing and dancing. I also reading novels and articles, writing too. I have written few articles on medium (Christabel joseph).

In conclusion, It's hard to admit that I have been in the crypto space for 4 years and never heard a word about this interesting platform. Special appreciation goes to Dr Bhoa @bhoa for sharing this opportunity with me.

I am a brand new baby Hivan, I am grateful to be here I look forward to learning from y'all great minds as I find my steps in this Crypto blogging space.

Nice to meet you!

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