A Few Hive Exclusives


If you pay close attention to my posts you may notice that sometimes I link to my WordPress blog. Usually I post there and then copy over here so I can get a good reach for my content. None of my family and friends follow Hive unfortunately, so WordPress is the only way they will see my stuff.

But occasionally I like to give a special treat over here.

Last week I spent my very first crypto on real items! I have an Uphold account (which I highly recommend, see the link at the bottom of this post to get your account) which comes with a debit card that you can use to make purchases with your crypto wallets without have to make a bunch of complicated transfers.

So what did I buy?

As a photographer I am always dealing with crappy lighting. I dealt with it because I figured a hobby photographer like me couldn't possibly afford some decent lighting to do portraits. But something spurred me to Google cheap lighting setups and I was quickly surprised to find a few affordable options for lights, umbrellas, and even backdrop equipment.

I used my Uphold card to spend $177 US worth of Eth to purchase a set with four umbrellas, three lights, a black backdrop and holder, and two new batteries for my camera.

Of course I had to try it all out when it came. And what better way to do so than some self-portraits?


I apologize if nudity offends you. I think this is the best way to portray a person, in their raw essence. I am not bold enough to share the most "explicit" photos as one never knows where they may end up. Plus the prudes might crucify me. 🙄


Of course these aren't the raw photos, that's not my style. I always like to play with my pictures digitally to get the most emotional impact from them.


So what do you think of these? Too much editing? Is my lighting still crappy?


Hi, I'd like to invite you to use Uphold. Create your account and try out one of the easiest and most cost-effective trading experiences.

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