On being spying on each other, and looking on other people’s movements; We should not be a traitor! What was the Watergate scandal in the USA?


You know, special cases like for instance the secret services and the confidential information in any nation should not be delivered to any unauthorized person, and we should use our competence in the right manners and avoid to due stupid things that are putting us in the wrong images.

The Watergate-issue was a political spying issue that happened in the United States in the period 1972 to 1974. The Democratic Party was attacked by a burglary of the Republicans, and behind all these illegal activity was president Richard Nixon, and he has not permission or the allowance to spy on someone, and to capture information that he had not legal reasons to use. So, the Democratic Party’s national headquarters, which was located in the business complex Watergate in Washington D.C. was in June 1972 exposed for a burglary, and the burglars were caught red-handed. This was really a national scandal, and it also had dramatic consequences for president Richard Nixon in other countries in the international environments, and he had to resign as US president!

You know, life is short, and in the long run we are all died. But we can do many moves in life, and some are sensible and some are stupid, and we should try to do the right things regardless of where we are. And NHH in Bergen, with all its historical relations to other countries, has given Bergen the status and the respect that the best students of Norway and in Europe, in tne USA, in Canada and in other countries in the world, really deserve!

We should not be spying, if it is illegal, and we should not be a traitor, but we should love the country we are within, and all the impacts and the warm consequences we can do in relations at home and abroad, and international economics is about exchanges with currencies, goods and services, and therefore import and export are usual terms where we are working, and we should maximize the sales revenues, and taking care of the costs in such manners that we do not get too high costs!

So, are there any borders subject to reaching the goals of the nation in question? Not as adult people, but children should not be allowed to do anything, because we need respect to adult people and older people in the society where we are. And the main thing is to do warm things, and lovely and good activities, and although we all have the devil forces in our human nature, we should try to cooperate and doing good things together regardless of how much competence and research background we have, and SNF in Bergen is excellent in research in economics and in administration, but maybe the research reports could be more constructive, more interesting and more exciting, and we should not just give boring processes and outcomes in the research reports, because it should be interesting and funny to work with different things when we are working. And we should give our best results to the wealth of the nation where we are representing, and some are represented more than just one nation!

The Watergate scandal was really bad for president Richard Nixon and his reputation made of experiences and information. The US president and his followers made illegal activities, including bugging the offices of political opponents and people of whom Nixon or his officials were suspicious; ordering investigations of activist groups and political groups. And we cannot spy on other people’s activities in any nation if they are treated as secret services for many people, also for all the people in the powerful positions. And included in this quantity is all people on all levels in the society in question, also all the professors and all the people with doctor degrees defended in different schools.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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