Friday meeting over Cryptocurrency with elder brother

Friday is the day when I decide to publish my article earlier but the matter of fact, it never happened. I almost in every Friday uploaded my articles later from my fixed time. Sometimes I blame my laziness but sometimes I had to blame my pending works. Today, I have nothing to blame. But I know I have someone special to meet and I met him. Do you have any guesses? Yes, it is none other than my brother from another mother, @shawon130 who is elder than me and obviously has vast experiences in the field of cryptocurrency. So today the day is celebrated with my elder one.


Yesterday he posted a short article in this platform where he wrote that he would be unable to post here for next 3 days as he used to publish his article from his laptop. Now he had to wait till Sunday morning. I knocked him and asked him to come to my place and invited him for a discussion. He gladly accepted that. One of my friend's office was free and we decided to meet over there. The right time came and he sent me voice messages to ensure that he had reached. After completing some mini household works, I immediately rushed over there. It had been a long time since we met.

What we discussed?
Definitely, it was all about read cash & it’s current situations. Then we talked about the world economic policies and continuous red alert. He brought his ipad there and we both analyzed the global market situations. We were talking about Btc, Bch, Eth, Doge coin etc. but most of all we were discussing about the present price of dollar against our local currency. The red charts brought some tensed situations and silence while we were finding some breakthrough. But alas! Nothing good was there. It felt like we were actual analyzer and doing our job for the welfare of our country. When he got my joke, we both laughed a lot.

Coffee, snacks, price hike
Then after sometimes, we felt tired and sleepy. I asked him to have some coffee. We then went outside & chosen a shop nearby of that office. We had our coffee with some snacks but the price hike of things made it costly than previous. Ok, that was enough to bring out the bargaining merit from us. We asked the manager why they had added extra money with the menu. They answered that they had nothing to do with price hike. To keep patch up with the current situation, they had increased it. We again started talking between us about the matter. The shopkeeper had no idea what we were talking about. Anyway, we had a decent time at that place and then we both returned to our homes.


That was a better way to talk about cryptocurrency and I felt better. That discussion will not be impactful on your life but truly it helped me a lot. Opening a new hope is not that possible for now but definitely there is a hope for the near future. We are eagerly looking for it. We have to be prepared for what coming next. This will be the clear warning for us that our future is highly dependent on Cryptoverse. What if our life witness a cashless society?

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