meet up

We were at the invitation of our friend's wedding, who had just done his marriage contract so that our classmates could gather to attend the invitation because he invited all our friends in the same class until we could get together again, while this meeting made friends We can connect with each other between friends who may be separated by now, some are far away, some are close so that at the event we can meet again.



Here we are very happy because we can regroup after a long period of separation, some are studying outside the city, some are studying in our city, some are working outside the city, some are working in this city, some have started a business, some are continuing their education. in the boarding school, so all our friends went to find their own way.



And in the end we can meet on a day where we can feel the happiness of our friends when together so that we tell each other about the life we ​​live after separating from our friends.

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