OCD Curation Report | May 2022

This is a report for OCD curation for May 2022. It’s a first of its kind. Going forward this report will be posted on a monthly basis from some of the OCD official accounts.
Here we will be presenting data on curation for authors and communities that are supported by OCD.


The following topics will be covered:

  • number of votes per day
  • unique authors voted daily and monthly
  • daily HIVE rewarded
  • unique communities voted daily and monthly
  • top communities
  • number of comments voted daily

The period that will be covered here is starting from Jan to May 2022, with a focus on May 2022.

Number of votes per day

Here is the chart for the number of votes per day for 2022.


As we can see the number of votes per day has been quite constant with a small drop in the period. On average the number of votes per day for May 2022 was around 165, while for the whole month it is 5k.

Unique authors voted daily and monthly

Here is the chart for the number of unique authors voted daily.


There is a similar trend here as the overall count for votes.
In May the average authors voted on daily is around 150. For the whole month there is a total of 1820 authors voted.

Authors voted per month

Here is the chart for the number of authors voted on a monthly basis.


We can notice a small drop in the number of monthly authors voted. From 2.3k in Jan 2022 to 1800 in May 2022.

Daily HIVE rewarded

Here is the chart for the amount of HIVE rewarded daily.


Note that this is HIVE equivalent numbers, since half of the authors rewards are paid in HBD.

Quite a steady numbers here. On average around 2.4k HP was distributed on daily basis from the OCD rewards.

Unique communities voted daily and monthly

Here is the chart for the number of communities voted per day.


A steady daily numbers here as well. On average around 50 communities voted on a daily basis.

On a monthly basis the chart looks like this:


Between 160 to 180 communities voted on a monthly basis.

Top communities

Here are the top communities that were voted on.


The Hive Open Mic is on the top, followed by the Hive Gaming and then the Photography community.

Number of comments voted daily

Here is the chart for the numbers of comments voted on daily.


Around 15 comments voted per day in the last period.

Around 165 votes per day from OCDB, supporting 150 authors daily, 1800 authors per month. A 50 communities per day supported or around 160 on a monthly basis. Some small numbers of comments voted as well.

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