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I Still Wanted A Kidney Transplant But Lack Of Funds Makes It Just Impossible


I am now bathed and I also had eaten a bit, just some toasted bread and a couple of eggs. I could not really eat that much especially a day or a few hours before my session because I am already full.

If only I have a more frequent treatment session then I will not get this kind of situation where I am always nauseated and full of extra fluids in my body because it obviously makes me feel sick but if I would have a more frequent dialysis session then it will all be minimized.

I also am wanting to live near my dialysis center, a stone's throw away so that I can just be wheelchaired to it so that my parents would not get to bother preparing much when it is my schedule time.

Definitely I wanted to get a kidney transplant as well so that I will not think about these things anymore, my medicines that makes me feel nauseous and its forbidding expense. But it is just too far-fetched of a dream or idea for now plus my mother also is a great big hurdle about it too. But what really makes me think was the expense, I just have to make sure that I can sustain my needs up to ten years before thinking about that medical ambition.


Image by Andrew Khoroshavin from Pixabay

I May Have Some Money But It Is Not Enough To Accomplish What I Want

It seems to be a very bad timing even if I would have the funds for it because bone changes had already happened in my body but still I guess that I can do it because I do not have any heart complications or disease until now considering that I had been a dialysis patient for a very long time already.

I still am thinking about that statement that a friend of mine who had been a dialysis patient for a while, she told me that it was like the feeling of being born again after the kidney transplant, I believe her. Now I do think that she is still around because of her life-changing kidney operation.

The plan of a kidney transplant for me is also on the table, if conditions would become right for me then I would go to that path. But for now things are on hold for me all because of funds that I do not have, it is not good to plan without something to back it up considering the expense that I have to cough out especially in the first few months of being a Kidney transplant patient but it is really pointless now to think about it for now so I just have to focus on my wellness for now which I am trying to do everyday.

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