Team Sports A Special Bond

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Rob Wainwright ex Sottish captain is leading the team of cyclists.

Playing in a team with so many other individuals is something that is special and is the fun part of the game. You create a special bond that can never be taken away. Everyone is there for each other as there is no I in team. If you fail you all fail and if you win you get to celebrate as one.

Just a few of their ex team mates doing their bit.

There are many things going on behind the scenes and one special moment happened this week. Rob Wainwright an ex team mate of Doddy Weir and Tom Smith got a group of ex players together to raise money for their charities.

Doddy has the incurable Motor Neurone Disease and has been raising money via his fund to try and help find a cure. Tom unfortunately has colon cancer and even though he is undergoing treatment joined the cyclists on the first stint of their journey.
The plan was to raise money cycling from Twickenham to Murrayfield which is roughly 500 miles to deliver the match ball for kickoff. The team of volunteer ex players included ex team mates plus players from previous generations from Scotland ,Ireland ,England and Wales.
500 miles later arriving at Murrayfield.

Doddy and Tom represented Scotland plus the British And Irish Lions during their careers so it was poignant that other teams had cyclists involved to help raise funds. These guys don't need to be asked to do this sort of thing as it is just a given you will assist each other in any way you can.
Using rugby clubs along the way is great for boosting the funds and garnering support.

The bond between sportsmen is like a brotherhood and this bond is tighter than ever when someone is in need. The aim was to raise more than £100,000 for the needy causes which I am sure they will surpass comfortably. With ex players such as Will Carling, Peter Winterbottom ( both England) and ex legend John Jeffrey they will get plenty of exposure along the way.

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