Adding Value In A Changing World


I haven't done a Hive post for a while so I thought it was long overdue. There are many things happening currently and I am still sitting on the fence when it comes to the rewardapp. I think I need to get my head around where and how it all fits in. I can understand if you get a decent payout on your posts regularly by offering something back to your supporters, but I am not sure if you are in single digits if it is advisable to even contemplate.

The aim of this place is to become as large as you can so that you can support others in the process. Even if you are a total banana you can grow your account over time as long as you are constantly staking. I think what I like most about this place is that you don't have to be heavily involved being on here 10 hours a day to succeed.

Your stake grows daily even if you aren't here via voting if you have Hive auto set up correctly. Just by having some decent number staked you will automatically receive the interest as well which is roughly 1 Hive per day per 10 000 staked.

What amazes me is that when you look at your ranking on Hive Buzz is that there are so many dormant accounts that have no curation whatsoever yet have over 20 000 Hive staked. Talk about missed opportunities helping others and yourself grow. Possibly 60 Hive a week thrown down the drain and only receiving roughly 14 Hive in interest per week. An oversight for sure and not understanding that over time that could add up to be a significant number thrown away. 3000 Hive or more over a year could very well one day be a fairly decent number in dollar values.
Many believe it wont be a U or a V recovery this time, but more of a W. That means it will most likely be a double hit somewhere so this is not going to be straightforward getting out of this mess.

Enough is never enough for me as how big can one really get. This social experiment could be a game changer for many lives around the world at some point. I do believe that the world economy is not going to be the same after all is said and done and the lock downs open up. I have seen many articles talking about the depression that is going to be around us for some time with job losses on a scale we have never seen before. How many of those people who have some skills will end up on Hive creating a new future for themselves.

Hive will be a lifeline than many will grab as what other opportunities will they have. This is real and even though it is fairly complicated though once mastered it is a joy to be apart of. We have hoped for mass adoption and believe the time is coming sooner than we might have first thought.

For this reason alone I am pushing and growing as fast as I possibly can and have never really taken my foot off the pedal for 27 months now. South Africa has closed their schools again after briefly opening so we as a country are screwed literally. Economic hardships are around the corner for the majority of people who haven't looked outside their structured lives to find places like Hive.I do believe they will and when they do all of us who have grown substantially will be grateful we did.

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