2020 What A Disaster


I honestly can't believe we are in June already and half way through a year with so little achieved. I was all Gung-Ho last week as we had some lock down restrictions lifted yet it is more in wording than actions.

The first customer I contacted is still on skeleton staff and cannot move suppliers just yet. This was repeated across everyone I spoke to. The reality is they are open, but no business is really open if that makes sense. Talk about frustrating as this is not normal.

I just see this period as a burning money period and that doesn't sit well with me. Trying to remain calm and positive is very difficult yet I have little choice. The numbers of cases are going up in our country so the sooner it happens the better.

It looks like we had the lock down at the correct time but an indefinite hold is not the answer. This is like a torture treatment the Japanese used with a dripping tap. At this rate all they are doing is pro longing the inevitable and everyone is screwed.

It looks like Hive is it for me as I have nothing else to really keep busy with which is sad and good at the same time. I at least have Hive so what does everyone else have? Financially i am going backwards, but then again when Hive booms I am moving forward and that is how one must think right now.

Financially I will be fine but that is not the point right now as working is what I enjoy. The meeting of new people and trying to come to an arrangement of supply is what drives me each day. I must not think of what I have lost as we all still have our health right now.

A positive is yesterday I managed with someones help to fit a new stove and hob replacing the broken one. By no means am I a Handy Andy type person but I will always try first. Next is replacing cracked roof tiles which I will get to over the coming days. Normally I would send someone else up, but I suppose I may as well get my hands dirty this time.

There is talk that the lock down will be extended and I am switching off from this type of news now as it is all negative. I see other parts of the world opening up and hoping Africa follows suit soon. Maybe by September I will be writing orders out again, one can only hope but this year is over half way and nothing has really been achieved. What a bloody nightmare and yet I must be grateful as others must be in a worse position than me.

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