Creating a positive social beginning.

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In my first post I introduced LUAE and one of the points of human nature I alluded to that has a profound detrimental impact has to do with the fundamental nature of human societies. Every human society that has ever existed, so far as we can tell from history, has practiced a form of exclusion. This practice will always devolve into conflict over time.

This practice stems from an unconscious twist to personal and social identity. As a matter of wanting to feel ‘accepted’ we tend to ally ourselves with certain social groups. These groups take an arbitrary set of characteristics as identifiers to say “this is who we are”, and say that those who conform to the standard are accepted. Those who do not meet the standard are not accepted. This creates a practice of exclusion and one of oppression also.

Because every person is unique no one can ever meet such a standard, particularly an arbitrary one, 100%. It simply is not humanly possible. Furthermore, in order to conform to such a standard it is guaranteed with total certainty that an individual will have to suppress some trait or traits in order to achieve conformity. This is a repression / oppression of the true identity of the individual in favor of the group identity. We can see this behavior most clearly in the common social practices of highschool age adolescents. One only needs to consider the prevalence of conflict, bullying and the emotional trauma that these youth struggle with to get a clear picture of how this issue ultimately causes strife in our societies. It is also worth noting that only a small number of the group members almost invariably cause the conflicts.

If our objective is to create a genuinely inclusive society that is far less hampered by conflict than our current state of affairs, we need to find a new standard upon which to base that community. In my introduction post I noted that, in order for our social evolution project to work it would be essential that we all accept the Kingdom of Ends as a prime axiom to our interactions and work. This principle mandates unconditional acceptance and that we each receive the same in turn. It is only through making this our common practice that we can achieve real social advancement, justice and positive progression. Clear, concise and objective communication is needed to create a common ground of understanding upon which we can build.

With that the floor is open. Best wishes to all.

Jeff G.

Blessed Be

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