Hive Getting Massive Attention on Bittrex

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Hello Hive Fam!

To say the last few days have been exciting would be a massive understatement. This feels similar to good ol' days of 2017/2018 when everything was running to the moon. The difference here is that it seems to be just us. 👀

I'm so proud of this community and everything that has been happening to grow this eco-system. As I said in a recent tweet... I've been kind of obsessed with refreshing my blockfolio and watching the price action.

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Yesterday morning when I woke up to $.40 HIVE I was such a mix of excited and confused as to why we had such a historic leap (now look at us 🚀) and so I posed the question on twitter. There has been a lot of fun discussion on that post - and so thanks for sharing all of your thoughts everyone!

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Hive Getting Massive Attention on Bittrex

I've been poking around the interwebs seeing what kind of attention this price action is getting and was really pleasantly surprised when I popped by Bittrex to see Hive everywhere on their home page!

Hive is literally called out four times in the first few seconds that you are on the exchange:

  • A scrolling banner image
  • Mentioned for top volume
  • Mentioned for highest % gain
  • Featured by itself as a favorite market

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The last point there about the favorite market is incredibly cool. That is not a normal section on the Bittrex homepage and the fact that it is listed alone and gives a direct link for people to go to the BTC-Hive market is really great.

Why does attention like this matter? Bittrex is one of the largest and most credible crypto exchanges in the world that get's a large amount of daily traffic. If I was just a normal crypto investor and had never heard of Hive before - this kind of display would make me pause and take a moment to see what this Hive thing was all about.


Why Isn't this Getting more Crypto Mainstream Attention?

One thing that I think is a little peculiar is that this hasn't seemed to have gotten much press or attention yet in the larger crypto arena. I haven't seen much mention from youtuber's, well-known traders or crypto media.

I'd love to get your thoughts on why you think that is below. Do you think people are waiting to see where the price settles after the big run before making any commentary?


What Happen's Next

Speaking of that - everything right now is super bullish and incredibly exciting, but I do think people should realistically expect the price to drop after this big run and consolidate into a different price. That being said... it's my hope that our "new normal" after this big run is significantly higher than the previous $.10-.18 cents we were before. If we can even land at around the $.30 mark and be twice the price of Steem - I would count that as a major victory.

For now... enjoy the big run and be proud of yourselves and all the work this community has done.

Much love!! 🚀

XO, Lea



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