Relationship on a Rebound

I bring you another relationship experience of mine. This time a relationship that started as a rebound. Valentine's Day is right around the corner, so I will attempt to keep the vibes going.

I have heard many people say it's not good to jump right into a new relationship after getting out of one. If I was giving advice to someone I would probably say the same thing. Getting into a new relationship to quickly can be unfair to your new partner. In my case I think my rebounding didn't affect
this relationship.

So I'm going to tell you the story of my relationship with a girl named Michelle. I'll tell you a little bit about her, how we met, some fond memories, and how a trip to her mother's house changed everything.

About her

Michelle was a very attractive girl. She stood about 5'8, brown hair, blue eyes, and had a hour glass figure. She was younger than my previous girl friend at 18 y/o. Michelle was very intelligent. She graduated high school a half year early and was already in medical school to become a nurse.

The best thing I enjoyed about Michelle was the attention she gave me. She had a very adventurous side and had a bubbly personality which I really enjoyed.

How we met

She worked at a plasma center as a medical attendant. Most days she worked as a screener who asked questions to see if you were eligible to donate or not. I was looking to make some quick money by donating plasma. She was my screener the first 3 times I went there. I found out later it was not luck of the draw getting her.

I remember seeing her for the first time. My initial thoughts were I hope she calls my name so I get her as a screener. It happened and all I could think about was a way to ask her out. Hey I don't even know this girl but her calming voice and her cute little laugh made her even more desirable. Guess what I still didn't ask her out, haha.

The second time I visited my heart was beating like a drum when she once again called me back. I had a plan to say something from the get go and I played the scenario in my head over and over many times. I sat down in a chair in front of her and I froze up. I was disappointed in myself and thought why can't I do this simple task.

They say the third time is a charm right? Well this time I came with my guns, brought a friend with. Sure I talked to him about her and mentioned that he could get paid to donate. I got called back by her to get screened. I told her I brought a referral with.

After I was done I went back to the station to get hooked up to the machine. My friend also got screened by her since she had to do additional things since he was my referrel. She asked about me and he told her I was interested in her. When I was done she was as that the payment counter.

She pointed at me and waved me in with her finger. It was definitely not in a customer way I came to her and she asked me if I wanted to do something with her later. I surely said yes and we met up later.

We met down town around 4:00. We first got a bite to eat together. Than we both decided to just go on a walk together . She grabbed my hand immediately. We talked about a lot of things including my recent relationship. I got it out of the bag, she listened and even asked a few questions. Since she asked me out and grabbed my hand it was my turn to do something, lol. As we ended the evening I asked if I could give her a kiss, she accepted.


We spent a lot of time together going to movies, dinners, and going out with our friends. Michelle was very fond of telling others of our relationship. I'll also say she was one of the more spicier relationships I've been in 🤫

One memory I remember was when Michelle and I ran into my ex, Danielle. It was the first time I brought Michelle over to my dorm room. We entered the dorms and Danielle was sitting in the day room. The look on her face was priceless to me. Once we were out of hearing distance I told Michelle. She was ok with it and actually looked forward to make another pass by. When we left she was not there.

I remember our 1 month mark very well. She surprised me with a card. The card showed appreciation and mentioned I was the best boyfriend ever 🤗. It was my first getting such a card for a non holiday or special event.

Another moment I remember well is going over to her place when her sister came to visit from out of town. Michelle sister was a few years older than her. She told me her sister was a big flirt and once even stole one of her boyfriends. We had dinner at her house in attendance was also her father and step mom.

After dinner her father left with her step mother. Leaving just Michelle and her sister. We all watched a movie together. I'm glad she warned me about her sister because her sister quickly flirted with me. I guess she felt she was getting no where with me so she called an ex of hers to come over.

Once her sister's guest arrived we hung out for a short while. It was about 20 minutes into his arrival that Michelle whispered into my ear something. I won't paraphrase what she said, but it was invitation to go to her room. It wasn't to just hold hands either 🤫

The last fond memory I will share with you is when she accompanied me to visit with my mother. Michelle made a good impression with my mother. After dinner she assisted my mother cleaning the table and helping with dishes. I think her being a medical student drew interest from my mother. After all my mother was a nurse. They both shared stories of their experiences and my mother gave her a lot of advice about the profession. They talked for what seemed forever, hehe. Upon leaving my mother let me know she liked her.

Trip to her Mother's house

Her mother's place was about 7 hours away. Michelle had purchased airline tickets for the both of us. I offered to pay but she would not allow me too. We arrived late afternoon and her mom had a nicely prepared dinner for us.

After dinner we didn't do too much. Her mother had asked if I could help with painting the fence around her house the next morning. I told her I would but didn't know it would end up being a two day project.

The next morning I began to paint. I spent about 8 hours doing this. I much felt I was working for room and board. Later that evening we went swimming.

So it was Michelle, her sister, and myself. Michelle and I were in the pool already when her sister came. It got weird as her sister decided to go skinny dipping in the pool 😳 Michelle took it like it was no big deal while I was kind in shock. Things got even stranger when we got back in the house.

When we came in from the pool we kind of just hung out watching television. I had to use the rest room, so I walked down the hall way and noticed her sisters door about 3/4 the way open. The bathroom was beyond her room so I kept walking. I could not believe what I seen next. She was laying on the floor taking care of herself. Her sister even saw me and kept going not even startled by my appearance.

After returning from the restroom, I noticed the door was shut all the way this time. I told Michelle but she responded with it's a normal thing to do. I responded why was the door open than. She just said I don't know. At this point this trip was starting to pull us a part.

The next day I was back to painting the fence again. All I could think about was the, "Karate Kid" movie when Mr.Miyagi told Daniel to move the brush up and down. I probably worked 5 or 6 hours that day painting and it was finally done.

Afterwards I had a late lunch with everyone. I much felt like I was just the "help." I was really wanting this trip to be over with already. Since the painting was done I thought my work was done, but I was wrong.

A few weeks ago her mother's dog had passed away. The dog was in a garbage bag in the freezer. I was asked to dig a hole and bury it. Her mother showed me spot where her two horses roamed. I just knew the ground was going to be hard as rock. They watched as I was getting no where with a shovel , it was like hitting concrete. I stopped after a try or two and asked her mother if it was ok to pick a spot near the barn where the horses haven't already packed the ground. She was ok with that and I got the dog laid to rest.

That evening her sister asked if we wanted to go into town to pick up anything. I looked at Michelle and than said to her sister I could use some things. So her sister said let's go then, I was thinking Michelle was coming with me but she said she's going to stay.

I was thinking what's her sister going to do next, haha? It's a good thing the ride to store turned out to be normal. I just picked up a six pack of beer because I felt I needed something to take the edge of.

We get back to house and Michelle sees what I got. She is totally upset with me that I bought some beer. Michelle goes off on me saying her mother will not approve. I lashed back and said I'm old enough to drink. She told me not to drink it will give off a bad imagine. I mentioned I'm only drinking because I'm having so much fun jobbing on this trip. She just walked away from me and went to her room. I cracked a beer open not long after. I didn't get drunk it was only six beers!!

Thank goodness when I woke up the next morning it was departure day. Michelle was still not talking to me. Her mother dropped us off at the airport. She said some nice words to her daughter and told her she hopes to see her soon. Michelle was kind short on words back to her. Her mother told me that it was nice meeting me and also thanked me for the help.

Michelle was not talking to me on the flight back. We didn't speak until we landed at the airport. She told me that we both need time apart. I really can't recall what I said back but I know I didn't argue with that.

Well that time was our last time together as a couple. We did talk on the phone a few times but the spark was just gone. I did bump into her a few years after that day. We talked briefly for a few minutes and said our goodbyes.

After thoughts

The relationship with Michelle was a good one up until I went on that trip to her mother's. I never really got the answers why it went the way it did. I could feel us pulling apart from each other on that trip even before my purchase of some beer,lol.

I wonder if it was her mother or sister who had an influence on her. Maybe she was embarrassed on what all happened when I was there. It could be that, maybe she didn't think there was no way it could possibly work after I seen so much.

Anyways I wrote her a letter a couple of months after that thanking her for all the good times. I also included my airline stubs with money paying for the tickets she purchased for me.

She may have intially been a rebound from my previous relationship. That all changed quickly as I got to know her and spent time with her. Well that's all I have, sorry for the length and somewhat sexual content. I just think it wouldn't have told the story if I left out details or wrote a much smaller article.

Take care and thanks for reading.

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