My story with mormons !

So, I'll continue my story with the English club I created and besides that, I was learning English myself and looking for native speakers to practice with. When Darek from California was here, I enjoyed practicing with him, but then he finished his work here and left to the capital Moscow and since there he's working there.

I kept leaving in Novocherkassk and needed to have more Native speakers in our club, because people liked to visit our club more when we have some native speakers with us. So, once I was walking in the city and two guys stopped me and started to talk in Russia with an American accent and I started to speak English with them Right away. Even if I didn't like to hear anything about the religion, I liked to hear English from them.

But they prefered to speak Russian anyway. Maybe because that's working better to convince people here to join them, because the American accent looks cool here. Maybe that's a kind of psychological trick.

So, I get their phone number and I was calling them sometimes to invite them to the club. For them it was a great opportunity to meet more people instead of walking all the day outside to catch someone to convince. But, I told them : ''Please guys, if you are joining our club, don't talk about the religion during our events, but you can talk about that after the event.'' They agreed and kept visiting us. They even played with us some games of words and helped us a bit in our prononciation.


Those are them. We became friends and I miss them. I don't even have their social links to be in touch with them, because it was prohibited for them to use facebook or any other social media or even websites. They are allowed only to visit their website where they have a close community. I don't even remember that website, because I wasn't interested to the religion, but only to the language.

Sometimes I was visiting them even in their church. It looks so modern and so nice. It was more like an appartment with a lot of religious picutres and books. Usually they have little books where everything is described about their religion. They had there also a piano what I liked the most. Once of them was playing well on that instriment and singing at the same time. Of course all the songs were about the religion, but I enjoyed them in the beginning because I was enjoying the language more. But, after a while I prefered to not listen to the music and pretended I'm busy.

Of course they did their best to convince me as well. But, I have a big expeince, especially after living in an Islamic country where they have a lot of religious movements and everyone tried to recruit me. lol That's why I prefered to not be religious at all !

So, convincing me in something it's really hard. I'm adult enough to know what's good for me and what's not. We had also some other movements trying to convince people in the same Russian town, but I never listened to them. I was interested to mormons only to speak with native speakers. The same about our club, noone joined them anyway and they started to visit us less. That's how my English club became less interesting to people because all native speakers left us. But, I didn't give up on it at that moment and decided to create an other one in the bigger city Rostov, instead of Novocherkassk.

Once also I visited mormons in Rostov where they have even a bigger community. I tried to build relations with some of them, but it was really impossible. They were all about religions. Those are missionaries.


At least I took a picture with them. All the guys were there like angles in white and I'm the only one in a dark t-shirt like devil. lol

That's my story with mormons and I'm glad that I learned enough about them. I still respect all religions, but I'm not a religious and I will never be.

I hope you enjoyed this post, stay tuned for more about my English club and the things I did to keep it up.


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