WWF No Mercy: Still the Greatest Wrestling Game of All Time After 23 Years


Hey guys! Who remembers WWF No Mercy for Nintendo N64? The WWE game released in 2000, for the Nintendo N64. I still play it to this day, even after 23 years and I think it's the greatest Wrestling game ever made.

For those of you who might not know, WWF No Mercy was released for Nintendo N64 in 2000. It has everything you could ask for in a Wrestling game: an incredible roster which includes all time greats like Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, Mankind, The Undertaker, Kane and so many more. It features a realistic gameplay system, with lots of moves, weapons, and match types. The career mode has branching storylines where your in-game choices and match results will lead to multiple endings. You can do more than just creating your own Wrestler in the customisation mode, because you can even edit existing Wrestlers.

Why do I think a 23 year old game remains superior to other wrestling games?

Why would I still play a game with not-so-great graphics, when there are newer, better looking Wrestling games? My simple answer is Fun. I'll explain

Gameplay mechanics

The main reason why WWF No Mercy is so fun to play lies in its gameplay mechanics. The control system is simple yet deep. In a game this old, the AI is so advanced that the grappling system is time-based and you don't have to be annoyed with mindless button-mashing.


Gameplay mechanics

The main reason why WWF No Mercy is so fun to play lies in its gameplay mechanics. The control system is simple yet deep. In a game this old, the AI is so advanced that the grappling system is time-based and you don't have to be annoyed with mindless button-mashing.


Championship (Story/Career Mode)

In Championship Mode, you can chase one of 7 Championships, which include WWF Women’s Championship, WWF European Championship, WWF Hardcore Championship, WWF Light-Heavyweight Championship, WWF Intercontinental Championship, WWF Tag Team Championship and the WWF World Heavyweight Championship.

Each of these paths possesses a very immersive storyline, where the choices you make and the results of your matches can alter the course of the story! You are not placed in a box where you MUST meet a tedious objective to advance the story.


Damage system

The damage system is so realistic that you can target and attack specific body parts, (e.g head, arms, legs or torso). Targeting body parts will weaken them over time and when they are weakened, it can lead to; bleeding - head, limping - legs and even tapping out when a submission move is applied.

The Damage system has a momentum metre, which fills upon successfully executing moves and empties upon receiving moves.

When you momentum metre is filled, you can perform your signature and finishing moves, (they are so satisfying to watch).


Match Types

No Mercy has different match types, such as cage matches, hardcore, TLC, singles, tag team, triple threat, fatal four way and even Royal Rumble. It also allows you to customise the match settings, like time limit, count out, disqualification, interference, the blood.



You can edit so many aspects of the game from appearance, attire, moves, entrance, music, to personality. It gives you a chance to customise existing wrestlers as you wish; change their names, affiliations, and even attributes. You can even create stables, such as DX, nWo or even The Ministry of Darkness and have them feud with each other. You don't get to these in the SVR series.



You can put your money where your mouth is and challenge yourself at different difficulty levels, try to discover easter eggs and attempt unlocking all the bonuses and secrets.


Community and Creativity

The game also has a thriving online modding community, where fans create and share new wrestlers, arenas, modes, and features for the game. Members of the community teach each other how to mod and hack the game, as well as share tips, tricks, and strategies for the game. Some of the best mods produced by these communities include: Showdown 64, WCW: Feel the Bang WWF Legends 2.0 and so many more, (if you haven't tried any of these, you don't know what you're missing).




Wrestling games come and go, WWF No Mercy continues to stands tall. I'll continue to play WWF No Mercy for years to come. I don't see it fading away anytime soon. Here's to many more years of slamming opponents in the world of WWF No Mercy!

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