
She was half-naked.
She was provocatively dressed.
She was dressed like a slut.
What was she doing there?
She asked for it.
She seduced me.
Her body said "yes".
Her body was talking to me.
She deserves it.
Bla bla bla.
Any man who makes any of those arguments to justify or excuse sexual assault or forceful penetration of a woman is a potential rapist. Let's not waste time bickering.
There is nothing a woman can do or wear that should make it right. Absolutely nothing!
Even if you know she likes you, it doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you at that moment in time. Maybe not yet.
The moment you sense a little resistance from any willing female, then it is time to quit. It is really not that complicated.

You see, my fellow men, you are more than a creature of biology. You also possess free moral agency. That means you have freewill.
It is unacceptable to keep arguing that some women indirectly ask to be raped. That's a horrible argument. That argument reduces you to a thoughtless beast.
What I'm trying to say is that sex is a thing of the mind. If your mind is absent, you cannot engage in sex. You cannot even have an erection talkless of an ejaculation. Sex is 100% in the mind. The body only tags along.
So when you blame the woman's fashion or behavior for her being raped, you are making the case that you have literally lost your mind and your free agency. You are an animal and should be treated like one.

There are primitive African cultures where fully breasted women walk around their communities 90% unclad. I mean NUDE. And yet there are no instances of rape because It is alien to their culture.
Does that mean the men in that community have no sexual appetite? No. It's in their mind.
Their mind has been trained since when they were young boys to view women's body with some respect rather than as sex objects. This training is not conscious. It is ingrained in the culture. Nobody takes them to class and starts teaching them. No. That's not how it works. It is inbuilt into their lifestyle, just like their mode of greeting.

Urban men on the contrary were not so trained by pop culture. In pop culture women are sexually objectified and most urban men were exposed to this objectification right from the age of puberty so that the sight of the full breast of a mature woman triggers a chemical reaction in the man's brain. It is a culture of oversexualization. Sadly, women too promote this culture.

This is where I agree with those who caution women to be careful too.
According to the law of cause and effect, every thing that occurs must have a cause of its occurrence. That means that women must not only understand the over-sexualized pop culture in which their men have been raised, they must seek to know the cause.
They must begin to teach their sons about mental discipline; how to treat a woman who dresses provocatively.

My fear is that most women are not equipped to instil such values in their own sons because most of them actually slut-shame women too.
Yes, there are women who still make the same arguments men make above. Women who ask rape victims what she was wearing at the time and why?
So as you can see, it is not just a man-problem. It is a pop cultural problem because some women believe that women trigger men into raping them.
Why would you dress like a slut and not expect to be raped? They'd query.
Why would you go there at such ungodly hour and not expect to be raped? They'd ask.
Trust me, many women think that way too.
If you understand that fact, you'd be less critical of the men. It is a pop culture problem. But in all.. whoever forces a woman's emotions can sniff life out of her and that person's life should be raped out of him. NONSENSE as this hits me hard!IMG_20200605_174737_556.JPG

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