Be Aware Of Phising Account

PHISING: the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.


Phishing, a term we commonly hear for actions that can be classified as crimes in cyberspace. I used to hear about this vaguely. Maybe because of my short time involvement with creative works on the internet. In the last three and a half years, I have made quite an impressive income, and it makes me feel that logging in via the internet is reliable. Even so, I haven't really "been" in this digital world. Activities in the world of teaching, where I have taught in courses for ten years, need more time to spend on. When I was full teaching, I could sleep from seven at night until dawn every day. Gadgets that are still old school are also another reason I'm not very active in collecting tinkling coins to convert them. Honestly I still find balance in whatever I do. Including my presence on this platform. Since splitting in two, appearing on Hive, I've had more time here. There is music that gives more appreciation to every post I've made.


The digital world that is starting to produce coin coffers is very tempting for us. There are many ways to do this. Including cheating in scavenging the coffers of money. And the cheating just happened to me. My migration account @rezasofyan is now inaccessible. In the last post in the openmic community I got a comment containing an invitation to vote for witness from the @hanculture account. He is on behalf of @leofinance. The high offer of coins in exchange for reputation melted my guard against Phishing. A few minutes after I did the vote, my account could not be accessed. I can only watch my coins being drained. The situation becomes even more complicated when the untracked MASTER KEY is stored where. The reputation of the old account that I built with great difficulty fell without a trace. Only traces of posts remain. I had contacted a friend to ask about all the possibilities for my account to be returned. Our discussion was deadlocked when there was no available way to do so. An account with the name @rezasofyan is already divine, but not with me who will struggle with this new account, @bobreza on the Hive platform.


This writing becomes the lament of orphans, it seems, doesn't it? But it can be a little reassuring when all that's happening is beyond our reach, right? Overflowing with creative work like this must be done so that a little bit of sanity can be maintained to return to the way it was. The obligation to keep my sanity keeps me from getting bogged down until productivity is worse than before. What happened had to happen. As people say, including my friend @isnorman, everything has a lesson. It seems that only the choice of getting up remains from our fall. Sleeping down on it is therefore continued folly. Yesterday's experience is a good reference for all of us to live tomorrow. Sometimes hard slams and rocks we have to enjoy to then be at the top. Omar Khayyam has a beautiful poem about perseverance that I love: "When things seem difficult and life uphill. Don't look too far ahead. Keep on struggling. And inch by inch the roads will shorten, Until the roughest roads will pass and disappear. And you will look back in surprise and cheer to find that you have left so many miles behind. And soon the tedious climb will stop. And you will stand triumphantly at the top."


Alright all my Hivers friends, thank you for taking the time to stop by in this colonan vent post. I really hope what just happened to me doesn't happen to you. It hurts to see thieves stealing what we have because of our own stupidity. Be careful with all forms of tempting offers. The instant ones are just noodles and cronies. I really hope there is a superhero who can eradicate all forms of cheating on our platform. Maybe @hiveteam can see there are accounts that work to cheat us and ban them all. However, creative work deserves to be protected more. Likewise the rewards obtained. I still stick with the idealism that this platform belongs to content creators who deserve more appreciation. Not just hanging out like a family gathering. When out there we are not appreciated properly, this platform is expected to be more comfortable for us to work and achieve.


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