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Hello Hivers!!!

I am very delighted to be here after hearing so much about this prestigious platform.

I am aware of the introductory post that must be written by every newbie here before they are initiated into this community for easy recognition. Hence ;


My name is Blessing John, fondly called Bee~jay. I am a Nigerian and a native of ITU LGA in Akwa Ibom state. I'm a third year student in the department of medical physiology University of Calabar.

I'm an ambivert meaning I exhibit both introvert and extrovert personality traits.

My temperaments are melancholic and phlegmatic.

Melancholic because I do have frequent occurrences of mood swings in a day. It's just as if my inner peace and sadness do contest for tug of war.

Phlegmatic because I feel emotion but don't easily react to them either happy or sad. I could be sad and have a lot of thoughts going through my mind but you won't easily depict that if you are not being told and vice versa.

    MY HOBBIES        

I have numerous hobbies but my favorites are writing and watching movie.i love writing because I don't know how to express my emotions verbally and so I write them down which makes me happy and relieved.

I love watching movies because it's helps me relax and cope with stress, it's helps me gain understanding and insight in different aspects of life.through watching movie, I could know how to solve life problem. My movie genres are horror,action,cartoon and sci-fi movies.


I am not a good writer but I believe and I am convinced that this app will unlock the writing potential in me.

I know this platform is user friendly and I can't wait to make new friends who have common goals to make hive a better place.

I chose this platform because they have our interest at heart by rewarding us for what we write here.

In this platform, I plan to write my emotions and inspirations wholeheartedly.

I plan to make hive my no 1 writing platform as I am going to learn from potential writers in this network.

My special thanks to the core brain behind this platform @abasjohn1 who introduced me to hive and hive friends who will welcome me, support me and find this post intriguing.

Thank You!!!

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