
Living in a world full of many people with different cultures and believes, having a mind of your own becomes challenging and if care isn't properly put in place, you become a prey by your obstacles or situations.

Often times, individuals tend to be unrealistic about their experiences and circumstances. Thereby, causing them to be deceived by people and insensitive to things around us.

It has been well said that "do not judge if you can relate." However, most people still do this knowing fully well that they are also a victim of such situations. Or in fact, are passing through the same or similar situation.

I have asked myself why and what is the whole purpose of judging if you can relate? Then, I was able to discovered that it is as a result of "Prestige and madness." Most people can do anything inorder to be looked highly upon even if it is at the decrement of other people. This is absolutely unnecessary and absurd.

People have suffered severe problems as a result of this. Some have suffered or in fact suffering from inferiority complex, self confidence, knowing and standing by their ideologies any where and any time in the society. Some people have tried taking their own lives due to this.


Truthfully speaking, some of those people in reality might be better then those who castigate others. It is only a mad person who acts as if he doesn't have any problems or worries and judges others who have tried or making an attempt to solve their problems to the best of their knowledge and ability.

I have gotten to realized that " not all that glitters are gold." Do not judge a book by its cover. But by its contents. Judging knowing fully well that you can relate, will always continue in all histories. It can't be changed but only control. This is because by nature, humans are selfish, savage and wicked.

One of the reasons why we should be mindful of who we share our problems with. And also, should not be carried away by whatsoever others say about who we are or are not. Instead, we should aim for perfection and self content in all our endeavours. We are all different and unique in our ways. What someone can do, another might not be able to do it and vise Versal. That makes us important and relevant to the society at large. If everyone were the same, who would be lawyers, doctors, engineers, cleaners, marketers? We wouldn't be able to find solutions to the problems existing in the society at large.

It is about high time we has Individuals, stopped that illusion and started facing reality. The sooner we get to realise this, the better for us all and the society as a whole. We will become to see new creations and the intelligence of man that has been existing since ages but were not seen or felt due to a restless spirit.


We will have a world free of war and have a peaceful society where each and everyone live together in harmony, love and unity.

I know not everyone really cares which leads to our world falling apart today. This problem or will I say issue? Didn't just start today, this as been in existence from the very beginning of technology and till date it keeps on repeating itself over and over.

Knowing fully well you can relate and still castigating your fellow humans is a heart of wickedness and I will say it over and over with all boldness and Udacity. We are only humans, ment to make mistakes and often learn from them and so we are not parfect which is pretty understandable, So making one feels sad and putting them into pressure on unrealistic things when you fully know how it feels is dispeacable and for me is abomination to man kind.

Well I believe this is something we will keep facing especially in this digital world. Where everyone is so flashy, living fake lives, pretending to be all good when they are in deep pains, and making others feel less important and driving joy doing that.

But one funny Truth is the fact that they know what's up and they know they are in great pains. No matter how you pretend, lie to the public, feel all good about yourself when you're really not is something that will always eat you up until you try to fixe it, you will never be at peace.

Together we can do anything because United We Stand and Divided We Fall.

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