Welcome to the clown world people, USA Protests, looting and left hypocrisy. Honk Honk

So, here we are in the beatiful 2020.
half a year has passed already and we had

  1. Australia fires that media labeled as end of the world
  2. Shooting down High Iranian General that might have led to yet another War in middle east
  3. It caused of shooting down an passanger airliner
  4. Covid-19 that originated from China ( but from reports all over the world, similar sickness is with us for at least a year or so)
  5. With covid-19 came closing down economics as well as stock exchanges began to crash all over the world
  6. mass quarantines around the world and keep pressing on people stay back home
  7. some guy died in us
  8. people lost their minds
  9. who cares about coronavirus anymore?
  10. For peak of coronavirus cases just blame "racsism and nazis"

US Police is kinda known for its brutallity, they are a true enforcerers of the law. White guy dies by the hand of Police and nobody gives an eye. Some guy that wanted to pay with forged check in shop dies by the hand of Police while autopsy determined

It found no evidence of major neck injuries, skull or brain injuries.
There was no damage to internal organs, it said. "The thyroid
cartilage and hyoid bone are intact," it reads. The hyoid bone can be
broken during strangulation.

The final autopsy says Floyd had heart disease and a history of high
blood pressure. It includes a more complete toxicology report that
said Floyd had evidence of several drugs in his blood and urine,
including morphine, fentanyl, cannabis and methamphetamine, although
not all of the tests were reliable.

George Floyd was not a hero, he had extensive criminal record and been in and out of prison, also held a pregnant woman at gunpoint while his pals robbed her home. What a “lovely” chap he was.
Nevertheless he did not deserve to die.
The cop was in the wrong kneeling on his neck - the back would have been enough. He also had extensive records of police brutality.
And their fate met...

And this is where we meet, because of that a several protests has started not to mention looting stores, murderers, destroying other properties and burning down police cars has started. It is no more about protesting it is a straight out of nowhere chaos on streets during the pandemic and even tho a few weeks ago media said that you shoudl stay home because of the coronavirus now says that it is not a problem of mass gatherings.
People dont protets cos they want to change the world, no they protests because it is trendy right now.
We live in a "like" society that is being enclosed in the sphere of influence of the mass media and so called " influencers"

White people are being labaled as the worst thing in the world, that we are the guys behind every bad thing happed during the history of the world while those leftists gangs completly forgot about modern time slave system that is occuring in arab countries, china and africa.

When you fight a pandemic and peoples right to protest because the
government is always right, unless one out of 1.5 million police
officers in a foreign country commits a crime.

  1. When you support LGBT
    unless it offends your muslim friend who wants to throw gay people
    from tall buildings.
  2. When you want womans rights, but only in
    countries where you have freedom of speech and where females aren't
    property or rape victims stoned to death.
  3. When you protest $10 an
    hour as slavery, but pretend like real slaves in china, africa or
    saudi arabia don't exist.
  4. When you protest gasoline cars in favor of
    more expensive electric cars that actually have a worse carbon
    footprint due to low battery lifetime.
  5. When you protest capitalism
    by wearing $200 sneakers and hoodies, and post a picture from your
    $1000 iPhone.

honk Honk folks
Hope you get the idea, and god forbidden that you doesnt agree with leftists ideas.
If you dont you are a rascist and nazi prick even tho if you would ask any one of them what nazi system was like you would ask yourself who the real nazi is.

enter image description here

Do we live in a crazy times or just clown world? and since then freedom of speech is labaled as something bad?

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