My first blog

So finally, I am going to publish my first-ever blog on decency and I am so excited about it.
Before starting my introduction I would like to spend a minute thanking @tahastories for guiding me about how to join ecency. **Thanks alot bro**** for helping me out💕

Let's start my introduction
I am Bella (this is my pen name, I am not gonna disclose my real name), a very practical girl, who no more lives in the fantasy world. My way of thinking, my habits, and my routine is way much different from today's generation, in fact sometimes I feel like I don't belong to the 21st century.
The older I get the more I realized that I am a mixture of introverted-extrovert. I am an extrovert with whom my vibes match and an introvert for others. Once I start caring about something there is no comeback for me. That is why I make very few relations.
My Educational Background and current job status
I have done BS in plant sciences and MS in Molecular genetics. Currently serving as a Senior Research Analyst in a UK-UAE-based private organization Alhmdullilah.
I did plant sciences because after not qualifying for MBBS my parents wanted me to do so. But that was not my dream subject. Then I switched to molecular Genetics for my MS degree. I love identifying patterns in genes.
My family background
My Mom & Dad both are associated with the teaching field. We are 4 siblings I am 3rd in number.
Being the first-born daughter in my family I am a pampered child. I don't know much about cooking and stuff.
My hobbies
I love reading novels. My favorite writers are Humera Ahmed and Nimra Ahmed. I only like novels in Urdu, because of the purity of words. My favorite novels are Halim and Peer E Kamil.
I used to watch Turkish dramas but now Alhmdullilah I am trying to practice deen so I quit watching dramas, and movies, and listening to music. I listen to only nasheeds now and instead of watching dramas I prefer to watch YouTube club videos
That's all about me. I guess it is enough for my introduction.
I hope the admins of this Community will appreciate my efforts and will like my introduction blog on their community
See you guys in the next blog
Till then take great care of yourself and the people around you💕

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