Day Five - Milk Challenge - Seasonal Warmup?


Into every life some snow must fall

January has been a pretty cold, bitter cold at time month here on the Kenai Peninsula. I think this is only the second day this month were we breached the 20F degree mark. last time we got our first significant snowfall of the month and needed to have the drive way plowed. Since I was not expecting the amount of snow we got last week, I did not have a pre-Driveway Saga picture of before the snow. This time the snow has started earlier and I was I have a pre-snow shot. (well pre-snow in that it has only been snowing a little bit so far).

Here is a two shot panoramic cropped and edited slightly, (okay major cropping because it was hand held), image of my driveway. Some of you may be more familiar with my driveway than you want to be because you have seen all my #drivewaysaga post.

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The nice thing is it is 23F, when I took the pictures about an hour ago, and not minus 16F. Monday when they first forcast the 20 degree range for us again this week they were still expecting lows of the minus teens by the weekend, at least today they have backed off on that back to super cold and we now looking at the single digit to minus single digits for Saturday. 7 to -5F. I certainly hope it holds to that. New month we should have a new trend.

The Milk Challenge was a fun thing started by @whatsup 5 days ago. Pretty much mostly about engagement, and fun posting. I have to say I have been having fun with it, and the comments.

I did not set out to use different ways and means, but through the course of this challenge, this post is the third post through "Communities" pages. I made one through my own, one through creativecoin, and now through OCD home community page. I have also tried to incorporate a few other engagement encouraging post such as caturday, @photo52, and musicmonday tags. I'd probaly do the posh tag, but I never liked twitter, facebook, and youtube is pretty marginal, (I do like the ease of finding music on YT).

We complain and bitch and moan and groan about a lot of things steem and steemit related, yet we are all still here, I saw the milk challenge as a way for me to maybe get one more number added to my weekly poster badge, but I don't think that will happen, not because I won't finish, but because the middle of my day runs into to the next day UTC timewise. At 4pm, it becomes midnight and the next day is starting for most of the rest of the world.

So it looks like we might actually be done with the bitter cold days, although February and March can be bitterly cold at times also, now with the warm up we need to be careful to still stay stocked up on primary supplies, because the missing snows of the season could all come in February.

Got Milk, It does a Steemian Good.

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