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Deranged Photography Contest - Reflections in the lake

Here is my participation, tier amateur to the Deranged Photography Contest run by @derangedvisions, the theme is REFLECTION and guess what I have met while doing my quarantine walk :
a somptuous reflections of the clouds in the amazingly still waters of the lake.

And never is the lake water so still...only on very rare time of confinement... 😉

Voici ma participation au challenge photo organisé par @derangedvisions, le thème est REFLECTION et devinez ce que j'ai rencontré en faisant ma promenade de quarantaine:
un somptueux reflet des nuages dans les eaux incroyablement calmes du lac

Et jamais l'eau du lac n'est si calme ... seulement aux moments très rares de confinement ...😉

Have a wonderful evening Lovelies !

My previous posts

Spring in the blue green waters

Colorful creation to sparkle the day ! [ENG-FR]

The making of the Joyful Kitty [ENG-FR]

With this 3 photos you will #travelathome , I promise you 😉 [ENG-FR]

BlueWonkie goes to the market - A new banner for the community [ENG-FR]

And find also my paintings on my website !!

BlueWonkies are supporting communities ! 👇

Amazing Nature community by @adalger


Feathered Friends community by @melinda010100


Always a Flower community by @dswigle

