Let's get to know the Cinderella complex


The Disney classics have marked a very representative mark on the growth of children since, a fairy tale always excites the little ones of the house. Now, among the various names of the princesses, Cinderella has been characterized by developing a complex whose origin begins in the childhood of a girl and without noticing it, ends up harming personal relationships and at the same time, the relationship they will have in the future with their partner.

Before continuing with the development I want to specify that, it is not bad that the parents manifest to their little ones that they are the princesses of the house since, in reality they are. However, what is really totally wrong is to educate them under the premise that they must wait sitting for the arrival of Prince Charming because, that is the story of Cinderella and since they are princesses, the same thing will happen to them.

With a worrying normality it has been seen that, there are parents who sell their daughters the idea that when they are in trouble, a very beautiful knight wearing dazzling armor and riding a horse will rescue them or failing that, the only way to leave life unhappy for so much work is with the arrival of a prince charming. These theories are wonderful in the imagination, however, such circumstances do not happen in real life and it is not okay to cultivate those ideas.

Fairy tales are just tales


At present, the Cinderella complex is already identified as a syndrome and is characterized by the unconscious desire that women have to be cared for and overprotected at all times and to feel this protection, they usually leave aside the activities they enjoy doing or, the tastes they have. Among the causes that trigger this desire stands out the style of education, social or religious pressure to which women are exposed and because of this, there is the fear of being independent.

As we can see, the name given to this syndrome is very well suited and for us it is known since, we grew up reading the story of Cinderella, a young woman dedicated to the care of her stepsisters and stepmother. The psychology behind this whole tale is that the ideal woman has to be beautiful, naïve, a maiden, resigned and dependent on her husband or who she will call Prince Charming.

In the same way, the story of Cinderella tries to convince the woman that, the only way she has to change her course of life and achieve to be stable is, having a sentimental relationship with a man because if she does not decide to have the male figure by her side, she will be a person who does not advance and they will not take her into account because a single woman, it has no relevance.

Although a woman does things on her own, she is still a princess.


The Cinderella complex is very negative for the emotional stability of a woman because, he is responsible for preventing a woman from having the skill to develop all her skills and aspire to something beyond dedicating her time taking care of the home or failing that, educating her children. Keep in mind that time has evolved since, currently, the only goal that a woman can set is not focused on getting married or having children. Today we already aspire without fear to develop in the work and professional context.

In this day and age, hard work has been done to normalize that after marriage, men and women have equal rights to continue building their goals. However, the Cinderella Syndrome still wants to make believe that this is not the case because, although in minimum percentages it manifests itself, there are still women who have as their only aspiration to marry, take care of their children and feel protected by their husband.

The positive part in this issue is that, every year the minimum percentage of application of the Cinderella complex makes it clear that in the not too distant future it will be totally obsolete because, our society daily tries to modernize more and more and that has been favorable for the female emotional stability at the time of understanding that, a woman does not come to the world to be educated between cottons and dependencies of a man.

The only role of women is not to be a housewife


When a wife develops excessive codependency in her husband, it ends up being a suffocating situation for both of them for that reason, the complex of being a princess that at the time they rescued from the dragon, sooner or later affects the marriage. It should be noted that, the sentimental relationship between two people is not a fairy tale, because of this, if for some reason or another a woman is not sure of herself and does not have the power to make her own decisions, the relationship will be a whirlwind.

To prevent the Cinderella complex from doing harm, it is essential that parents instill in their daughters what is the power of studying and being a prepared person. They are tasked with teaching everything necessary for them to then successfully embark on their lives before and after they get married. Similarly, specialists recommend that parents constantly perform with their daughters dynamic where they ask how they visualize themselves in the future and what they would like to be.

The ideal at this point is to create the culture of educating daughters who feel free to think and reflect on the importance of not being dependent on someone. Now, cinderella Syndrome also makes a section for men because, if parents are educating male children, at this point it is advisable to teach them to perform household chores and, to make them aware that they will not own their future wives because, they will be a family team with the same duties and rights.

In conclusion, the Cinderella complex is very negative and if we allow it to enter our lives, it will not allow us to achieve all our personal goals because, it generates that the life of a woman is repressed, frustrated, resigned and unhappy. Today it is no longer a secret to see that the number of women studying at the university is increasing more and more for that reason, we have no doubt that society is changing for the better in this aspect. All women deserve to build a good professional and work future in order to achieve stability and independence.

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