My Hive Story

This post is stolen from @blewitt, which in turn stole it from @themarkymark, who in turn stole it from @snook... so, feel free to steal the idea and make it your own.


I don't think there's a better picture to portray my Hive Story which is why I put is as thumbnail. This was in Krakow, Poland 3 years ago and it holds some of the Krakow gang that still to this day I consider my friends. For those who want to put a face to the username, from left to right is: @guyfawkes4-20, @steemmatt, @martibis, @roxane, @coruscate, @fukako, @raj808, @oroger, @soyrosa @el-cr, @howo, @zlatan-spielberg, @fredrikaa, @louis88, @evecab, @abh12345, @rivalzzz, @tarazkp.

I'm going to include several shoutouts on this post, if you don't like posts full of them well then you're just in time to fuck off and if you don't want me to @ you don't bother telling me, I'll do it again somewhere in the future if I need to mention you :P

How long have you been on the Blockchain?

I began my Hive journey in late April 2017 and I'm proud to say that - despite some short breaks - I never stopped being active one way or another, some seasons with more action than others but I never left Hive. I've been to 3 HiveFests - in Lisbon, Krakow and Thailand. I couldn't go to Amsterdam because I didn't even knew about this obscure, digital money-generating, anti-establishment fighting, pseudo-anarchy supporting, deep-web-money-laundering relating, taxation-is-theft promulgating, inflation-kills-economies believing, conspiracy-theories accepting, self-definition living, off-grid-mentality acquiring, revolutionary-mindset thinking, North Korean crotchet weaving, Latvian-Origami making, Norwegian Guerilla training, Peruvian Salt Water drinking, ecosystem.


Excuse the pic quality, I had shit phone in 2017. These are pictures from Lisbon on HiveFest2 and on the top left, we can see @hansikhouse, @themonetaryfew, and @ramengirl, second pic shows a half @firepower, @mammasitta and @nanzo-scoop. Below left is @surfermarly, @pgarcgo, and @gargon. Bottom right features @martibis, @acromott, and @karensuestudios.

Most of these content creators are no longer with us, but some are still posting (some are just voting, which is fine), but if you want to go reward those posting for their perseverance go to the profiles of @ramengirl and @martibis.

What was your background in cryptocurrency when you first came to the Blockchain?

This is a story I lovehate telling, but I heard about bitcoin back in mid-2010 and I begged my mom to lend me her credit card to buy some just for shits and giggles, I even told her I would pay her up entirely, I just wanted like ten bucks worth of BTC which was my weekly money for food and shit, but since she didn't trust funny internet beans, she didn't let me borrow it, and I spent those ten bucks in cigarettes, bacardi and gas for the car to get to a random party. And that was the end of it.

Seven years later and $1,700 dollars later, I heard about Bitcoin again from the mouth of @luzcypher, who properly introduced me to Steem (Now Hive) and Bitcoin.

But I have to be honest, I was a total, complete, utter noob regarding cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

My experience was fairly limited at the point I popped onto the chain here. I was new to crypto at the end of the 2017 bull run, so I was still very wet behind the ears as I learned the ropes of this nutty corner of the world.

What was your background in writing when you first came to the Blockchain?

I consider myself a writer, maybe not a great one, but a good enough one. I used to write short stories before I heard about Hive, but none of them with purpose or even order, I would just ramble random thoughts on a notebook and some times I would write very short ordered pieces, and just every one or two moon eclipses, I would write proper stories. But writing with a purpose on Hive helped me grind my writing skills and develop new ones.

How many people did you know when you first came to the Blockchain?

Just @luzcypher, but I rapidly got to meet new people such as @dreemit who opened the community's doors and pointed me to the people I wanted to meet, both to understand how the Blockchain worked and to get some love and support. I remember some of those first names, @surfermarly, @papa-pepper, @thedollarvigilante, @acidyo, @cervantes, @heiditravels, @uwelang, @yoganarchista and many more.

How did you meet people when you first came to the Blockchain?

Commenting, commenting, commenting. There's no other way of making friends on chain - at least on the traditional platforms where content is created and consumed. Being a content consumer is more important than creating it when it comes to meeting people, making connections and developing bonds with other users.

Who did you look up to when you first came to the Blockchain?

Not sure, back then the blockchain was a massive circle jerk with only a few people supporting new content creators. After a while, more and more initiatives to actually grow the ecosystem and not just milk the cow started to appear and then the actual looking up was possible.

If I had to mention some names of people I admire for what they've done on Hive I would have to fastforward - cause when I became part of the chain, it was all a shitshow - a few years. @starkerz and @fredrikaa, and I don't even need to say why, if you know them, you know why.

How would you describe your first three months on the Blockchain?

Learning, not only about Hive but about the cryptoverse in general. Obsessed with learning as much as I could before my world trip began - in which I wouldn't be able to learn half as much as I would be able while being home.

Has being a part of the Blockchain changed you in any way for the good?

I'm 100% a better person than who I was when I began my Hive journey.

Writing helps you get to know yourself, it clarifies how you think about any topic, it pushes you to make statements about everything and the skills you develop are life changers such as discipline, order, organization, creativity, clear mindset, and much more.

What is your favorite memory from your time on the Blockchain?

HiveFest3 in general, but on the Blockchain itself, winning a free HiveFest2 ticket, which was the before and after moment of my Hive Life.

If you could advise a new person signing up to Hive, what would it be?

Hive is an obscure, digital money-generating, anti-establishment fighting, pseudo-anarchy supporting, deep-web-money-laundering relating, taxation-is-theft promulgating, inflation-kills-economies believing, conspiracy-theories accepting, self-definition living, off-grid-mentality acquiring, revolutionary-mindset thinking, North Korean crotchet weaving, Latvian-Origami making, Norwegian Guerilla training, Peruvian Salt Water drinking, ecosystem...

If you are not ready for it, enter at your own risk.

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