My Introductory Post: Start of a New Journey

Hello, everyone! My name is Amy, and I am a new user here.


I've been seeing this platform since last year, but I didn't sign up immediately as I am still doing further research that time. You know, as a newbie, there are many things we get confuse about, and some are not yet understandable for us even though information has been presented already.

However, the great thing about it is that, we are trying our best to learn and that's what I did, so I'm here with you all. I'm still not yet a pro in this platform, but I am looking forward to learn better in using it as I go on with my writing journey here.

Without further adieu, let me start my #introductionpost


I am Filipino citizen, meaning I live in the beautiful country called "Philippines". I am 20 years old, and an upcoming third year college student. I am a future educator, writer, bibliophile, selenophile and an ambivert.

I am still a student, currently taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English in one of the great institutions in Pangasinan, my beloved province.


Being a student is a tough journey. There will be times when pressure and exhaustion keep us drained. But, the best part of being a student is when we got to learn something valuable that isn't only applicable to academic aspect, but also in real life.

I am also a writer/blogger who loves to express myself through writing. I am already a writer since my elementary days as I am part of our school's publication.

When I was in elementary, I am a literary writer, meaning I am assigned to write short stories, poetries, and other literary pieces. When I started my high school life (Junior High School and Senior High School), I was the feature writer in our publication and I also tried competing on the annual "Division Schools Press Conference" but unfortunately, I didn't win. It may be disappointing to lose in such competitions, but I never had hard feelings about it as I did my very best and I learned something from it.

My writing journey never ends even though I am not part of campus journalism anymore. I am a writer/blogger in and since last year, and that makes me more open in developing my writing and communication skills as time passes by.



For me, being a writer isn't always about earning from it, but being able to express ourselves fully and inspire other people despite our flaws as a person.

I am a certified book lover. I love reading short stories and novels may it be through physical or electrical book.


For me, reading isn't always about comprehending what's written in a book. It's also about being able to imagine and travel in a fantasy world without even moving our feet. That's why I love reading because traveling through it isn't costly (metaphorically speaking).

I also love looking at the moon because aside from its natural beauty, I do believe that staring at it makes me connected with my loved ones who are in a distant place. We may not be physically together, but looking at the same moon makes us get closer.

I am an ambivert, but my introvert side is more evident when you meet me for the first time. I am not actually that kind of person who will approach people first, but when I entered college and started my blogging journey, I realized that socializing is very important. As a future educator, I should practice interacting more to develop my communication skill, so that I can handle my students very well in the future and I can mingle positively with my co-workers. In addition, as a writer I should interact more with other users not just to gain more readers, but also to learn better from others' write-ups.

That's all for today, everyone. I hope my journey here will flow positively as I get to know more people here.
I hope, we can get to know each other very well and be friends as time goes by.
Furthermore, if you want to know more about me, or if you're curious about something, feel free to ask questions. I may be an ambivert with more dominant introvert side, but I will never ignore you.

Thank you for reading! ❤️

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