When Corona Ends ' i am going to start my education once again'

Hello everyone i hope you all are fine and safe from the coronavirus and are enjoying your quarantine, as we all know about the coronavirus, coronavirus is now became the global problem and no one is able to make the vaccine of this deadly disease, this disease was first originated from china and later this disease spreads all over the world with in a short period of this and at thar time the country are not aware about that and the coronavirus spreads quickly. Nowadays coronavirus kills thousands in a single day and more than one lakh people gets infected from this disease in a single day, till now almost fourteen lakh people got his infection and more than eighty thousand people died due to this disease, also in these days the most infected country is the super power of the world that is USA, scientists are searching the vaccine and government put lockdown in the entire world in order to control this disease, the coronavirus causes lot of economic problems in the world.


Now question comes in everyone's mind that when coronavirus ends when lockdown will ends, i think this question has no answer till date , i think coronavirus will end when the efficent vaccine will be made so that it kills coronavirus completely but scientists till date are unsuccessfully to make the vaccine for this deadly disease, but we should not be panic regarding this we have to fight for this and we will win soon because if we let the battlefield then we aren't able to win we should stay on battlefield and soon the victory will come and the normalcy in the entire will come again and we start our life once again with happiness and joy. I aslo salute to the doctors and the police members of every country who without care of their life are fighting with the coronavirus for us.

Now again i am thankful to the @theycallmedan who once again give me a chance of writing. This post is my entry on when coronavirus ends and what things you will do firstly. So lets start

1) meetings my loved ones and relatives

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When coronavirus will ends my first preference is my loved ones and other relatives. As i spend lot of time without my loved ones especially my grandparents and all other relatives, before this coronavirus i always went to meet my grandparents and relatives every after fifteen days because i was studying in the university which is vary close to my district i was coming back every fifteen days then i had the vocation of two to three days in that days i went to meet my grandparents and other relatives but when coronavirus starts i was not able to meet anyone of them. Also my grandparents are ill and i am not able to go there due to lockdown, i love my grandparents vary much because in my childhood i spend lot of time with them and they every time tell me the old stories . Now in their older days they needs help from us and we have to do their help. Also i have to meet the relatives which are infected from this virus and then got recovery from this virus why i will meet them? Because i want to tell them all about that when you got this virus how you fight with this and other all things related to this.

i will start my study once again

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As i am the student of mechanical engineering i am in the third semester in these days you think how you are in third semester as in these days even semesters are going in all the college and university, we have lost the eight months of study before this coronavirus due to the unrest in our valley, i think you have knowledge about that Kashmir was under lockdown for eight months before this and we are not able to go to our universities and colleges due to the political conflict between the people and the government, we have to attend the exam in the previous month but due to this virus we are not able to conduct that. As universities have ordered the postphone of all our exams. But we are giving online classes still for third semester then we have just two years to complete our degree we have to give six semester in these two yesrs which is vary tough for us and our teachers we have to do lot of work in these days. Due to this i am not able to do lot of things like playing games and cricket with my friends also i don't care about my health due to my study i even some time didn't eat and eat . But i am making the efficent use of this quarantine time i spend lot of time with my books and other precious things i even spend some less time on hive community.

3) i will meet my friends and start travel with them

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The third thing that i will do after coronavirus is i will meet my all friends and i will start traveling with them , as i have many friends and i was not able to meet them after a long period of time due to my study last time when i meet my friends was one year ago and that time we plan to trip to mughal road which starts from shopian to the pooch in jammu we go there and we enjoy a lot , we spend two days for that trip recently we decided to go ladakh but due to the coronavirus we didn't able to go there but when coronavirus will end we will go to ladakh. Also after coronavirus i will meet my old friends too because i spend lot of time with them as i study with them for more than ten years i enjoy lot with them the previous time of my life but i was not able to meet them i miss them a lot now i hope coronavirus will end soon and i will meet them. After the coronavirus i try to make myself a good person and i will do the things that didn't affect any person in my society. Also after coronavirus i will thank to my god for making me safe from this deadly disease and i will pray for them who got killed due to this deadly disease.

Thanks for reading . Stay home stay safe .

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