Is this a prayer house or a mad house ?

I’m laying on my couch because I cannot sleep and even if I forced myself to, I still wouldn’t be able to sleep.
One will think I have insomnia but no, I just cannot sleep because the church by my house is occupied by insanely suffocated mad people who have absolutely no love or pity for humanity.
Wait!!! I need a drink to get into this post properly

Ofcourse I’m sipping on water at 1:00am but I decided to upload this beautiful picture of strawberry mojito I took a few months ago at Ashanti in Vinnytsia city, Ukraine .
Back to this madness happening right beside me
There is a church by my house, I wish I could call their name out loud but that will be a waste of my ink .
I’m flabbergasted at the level of insanity that’s going on there. As I’m writing this all I hear is extremes of screams, GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!! GET OUT!!! I do not know what’s meant to get out that has not gotten out in the past 4 hours.
At this point, I’m also hoping whatever is in should get out so I can equally go to sleep .

Here is my current mood

It’s insanely hot because this is Nigeria and electricity isn’t stable , I’m laying bare on the couch , sweating , turning from one side to the other hoping to find myself wholly asleep in a few minutes but that’s going to be a radical lie .
This church is currently screaming JESUS!!! JESUS!!!! JESUS!!! , I bet it’s over 100 times because I have lost thoughts in counting but why exactly is Jesus’s name being screamed so loud and profuse .
Well!! If you ask me, who will I ask?
I am scared someone will soon scream out an organ, I am in severe dilemma this night and perhaps I need help.
One will think I am not a Christian or I am hating on a church but I simply think there are better ways things should be done . I am a Christian, Infact one who’s not ashamed to advocate for Christ and redeem souls to him .
A beautiful picture of me after church service at RCCG, breakthrough arena, Vinnytsia.
I am a Christian but I am definitely not mad
The church beside my house is currently playing music with loudspeakers at maximum volumes, it’s disturbing the whole neighborhood, it is currently 1:23am. We do not need to be awake because of one church , I need to sleep so I can be productive at work tomorrow but if I walk up to the church and ask them to please kindly reduce their volume, I will definitely be called a WITCH and I’m completely sure, the church will be praying for my deliverance as though their sycophantic selves wouldn’t be needing the same prayer
This is a societal menace and should be cut short
Churches shouldn’t be allowed to operate in residential areas
Humans like me should be allowed to sleep well at night
I will never adjust to this madness or at the very least understand it
Again I ask, is this a prayer house or a mad house?

This post was written last night but not enough resource credit to post it.... Here I am, hoping once I click publish today, it’ll simply just post🧐.

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