OCD Curation and Delegation

Hey everyone!

In this post I'm going to talk a little bit about our curation, what we do, what the future holds and how you can help if you wish. OCD is one of the oldest curation projects and now also one of the most used communities, aside from that we're also looking forward to welcome newcomers that post in our community where we check each post to consider for curation and hopefully soon start our own approaching and onboarding of content creators.

We'd like to be a full-stack project in the near future with account creation, guidance of newcomers, kickstart into their Hive Journey and at the same time continued curation for retention and distribution of Hive. We're also looking forward to SMT's and the possibilities they'll give us in regards to token creation to assist engagement within our community and outside of it on the whole blockchain through the ENGAGE token which was being distributed actively before the hardfork but is now awaiting for steem-engine to also exist on hive or for SMT's to be added which is the next phase for distribution and at the same time curation of comments.

Our community

Our community is a pretty general original content community and while we understand it goes a bit against the idea of communities being specific to certain genres I believe they can be both a community for projects and the other. With cross-posting we see it becoming more used in the future once users understand how to use it well and those who do are encouraged to continue using it well through curation. We are currently also using part of our voting power to assist more niche communities on a daily basis and are looking forward to also advertise other niche and popular communities to content creators posting through us so they check them out as well and consider posting there. Anyhow I think it's too early to speculate too much about how all that will evolve but it needs to be said that we're not looking to hog content creators because of our curation to starve niche communities and will try our best to assist them more and more in the near future.

We check each and every post posted onto our community but curation is of course not guaranteed. Users posting content that goes against our rules are often warned and there have not been many cases of continues abuse that had to lead to downvotes and muting so there's not much to discuss there. We also encourage content creators posting onto Hive to also share their work on Twitter for more eyes and at the same time as marketing for our wonderful platform we have here and seeing front-ends such as Peakd already offer guest accounts and looking to improve on their functionalities even more is ensuring that our efforts are not going to waste when bringing in new users. The way we encourage sharing is by incentivizing those who do it with higher votes than if they wouldn't share their posts - note that this doesn't mean we vote on anything as long as they share the content but rather higher votes on content we would have curated anyway!


We understand that many stakeholders and at the same time content creators on Hive may not have the time to be as active in curating and engaging on the platform as they are focused on their own work. Hence we have an account called @ocdb which offers delegators their curation rewards relative to their delegation to be paid out daily in liquid Hive. We take a 10% cut for our curation efforts and 5% are used in diverse ways; before the hardfork those payouts were being used to purchase ENGAGE token so the engaging users receiving them would be able to get some Steem out of it so the value wouldn't just be coming from pure speculation on what we would do with the token in the future when SMT's arrive. We're planning on getting back to that as mentioned above when ENGAGE is available for us again.

How can one delegate

If you used PeakD then you can easily delegate from the wallet options there, all you have to do is delegate to @ocdb and after 1 payout your username will appear on our website where you will be able to track your daily returns (apologize for the wrong coin name on the site for now :P) but you can also use hivesigner to delegate by copying this link and editing the "1000" to the amount you'd want to delegate:
If you're feeling generous and aren't looking for daily returns you can instead delegate to @ocd.

Other curation projects that also return a curation cut we can recommend checking out: @curangel.

Other curation projects you can support with delegation that we can recommend: @c-squared and @curie.

(just edit out the "ocdb" part in the link above to the account you wish to delegate to instead)


If you are someone who enjoys curating and would like to make our work a bit easier and at the same time earn some higher curation rewards we welcome you to check out our community! We use the @ocdb account to vote in late on posts and if you've shown to be a quality curator who always curates great content you'll also make our life a bit easier in turn so we don't need to read through the whole post knowing that it has been curated by someone we trust. In return by us voting late it means you'll also earn higher curation rewards and if you manage to find great posts from newcomers who don't already have a lot of autovotes on them the rewards can be worth quite a bit!

Ending words

We've been getting pretty slammed lately with quality posts and the amount of users that quickly migrated over and many who've quit posting on the previous chain altogether has gotten difficult to keep our voting power somewhat high while going through all posts! This is of course wonderful news and we're happy to see it but at the same time it sucks not being able to reward extraordinary posts more so they would get some trending time. Aside from our own community we also actively curate the HiveDevs and HiveGaming community but have to admit that the past few days we haven't been able to as our voting power is getting rekted. Then there are also more niche communities we curate through our Daily Compilation posts which are usually pinned to the community and refreshed every day where our team of curators goes and finds the best posts from those communities or posts outside of any community that have been missed or are underrewarded - although it is nice to see that after the EIP that has become a lot more difficult to find!

Main reason we also wanted to get this post out is because or info channels in our Discord server are outdated so now we can leave this link on there so people wondering what's up can check it out from there - but we'll also leave this pinned for quite some time. Feel free to join it and ask if there is anything on your mind or if you just wanna chit chat. :)

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