Hi Honey

I'm looking for a confident, well-educated brunette, with a great smile and a nice ass.... oh shit, wrong site!

Hello Hive!

Thank goodness you are here. And thank you so much to the people that have been working so hard this past month or so to bring this new chain to life. As well as hard graft, I understand there have been numerous financial investments made to aid development, purchase domains, machines, etc. Thank you!


As it stands, I am currently two and a half weeks into powering down my staked STEEM. For this reason, I will continue to shit short-post on the old blockchain, likely once a day, until the power-down is complete. My autovotes will remain in place, and I'll try to distribute votes to those that are making the move over to Hive.

There is of course the possibility that Steem will be forked and power-down periods reduced. If this happens, I expect the Steem price to tumble much further, which will of course be a bit of a shitter for those who have invested and worked hard over the past three/four years.

Sunny boy could provide an incredibly liquid market, but my plan is to completely exit and move this value over to Hive - whatever value that ends up being.

The Exodus

I have noticed that a good number of the accounts I follow and engage with are already creating content on the Hive chain. This is great to see, thank you for encouraging me to continue sharing content.

Also making the move are a number of Tribe frontends, but at present, my Steem-Engine transactions and Splinterlands games are seemingly still being recorded on the Steem chain. I'm not sure if they are also landing in Hive blocks, but would like to see these projects migrate, as they have kept many people interested over the past year or two.

I've also seen a post and a message in my wallet from @arcange, who has quickly put HiveSQL together. As much of my content on Steem was based around data (from SteemSQL), this is pretty awesome news, and I will be looking to subscribe to HiveSQL soon.

The current goings on in the outside world have made me think a little more seriously about where my cash is going, but if my content can foot the bill (with a bit left over!) each month, I'm pretty sure I'll be on board with pulling and presenting Hive data.

And finally in this section, I read recently here that there are at least 7 exchanges (not sure if blocktrades is included here) working on listing Hive - so much for worrying about that side of things!

It is also possible to trade STEEM right now (locked on binance, bittrex, etc right now) on https://ionomy.com/ although the market looks pretty thin at present.

Good comms. and building the Hive

The Hive team have started out brightly with communication to the worker bees with 3 posts in four days - not bad at all in comparison to what those who have migrated from Steem are used to. I'd like to see this continue as and when there is news to release, and expect there will be much to announce over the coming months.

And so now I guess it is over to us, the creators of content, short, long, interesting, and everything else (not) under the sun, to create, promote, and get stuck into making Hive a place that grows, develops, attracts more and more people - crypto savvy and otherwise.

Thanks to @derangedvisions for the awesome imagery (more here)

Best of luck everyone, be safe,and enjoy your (housebound) weekends,


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