Home Within Home

I think yesterday was one of the most trying days for me. My school timetable and calendar coincidentally always clash with what should be big times in my life. First, it was my birthday, and that was the day I had the most classes and then yesterday, which was St. Valentine’s Day. I mean I didn’t plan to go anywhere and the person I’d have even liked to be out with isn’t in my state, so I knew I’d probably be indoors the entire day.

Nevertheless, one would expect to have some form of respite on this joyous day, yeah? But I had marathon classes(literally back to back, I tell you) and then, the whole heat wave that’s happening in my country. It feels like we no longer have an ozone layer and that in itself makes the classes even three times longer than they should be. A total torture I tell you.

After the series of classes, I headed to my hostel to take a shower. I did and I could immediately feel my sweat pores reactivating as I stepped out. Like sweating just after you step out of the shower. It was that bad. And then I looked at the time. It was 6.30 pm. Oh my! I was already thirty minutes late for Creative Work Hour. I quickly grabbed my earpiece and went to sit at the top of the stairs just beside the balcony. I didn’t want to bake in my skin while being a part of something beautiful.

When I got in, everywhere was silent. Since I’d attended #CWH sessions a few times now, I figured that it was journaling time. I didn’t bring my notepad with me from the room so I opened Microsoft Word and with the aid of the sweet opera music that played softly from Spotify(handpicked by @alessandrawhite, I’m guessing), I began to write.

I’m not sure if it was the fact that a cool breeze had started to blow or the opera music or that the ambience of the workroom in itself was just right, but as I wrote, I felt my words flowing seamlessly. I didn’t let myself overthink what I was writing or if it was making sense. I just wrote, pouring the peaceful and creative energy I was feeling all around me, through my fingers and into the writing app.

The music was still playing in the background even after the session was over and we’d all said goodbye and so, I kept writing still. And I think that’s one of the really beautiful things about CWH. Whether you’re relishing the smoothness of Alessandra’s voice to let your creative vibe flow or the background music or the mere fact that you’re surrounded by like-minded, work-oriented, goal-driven people.....the mood is right and you just feel at home.

That’s the word I was looking for. Home. You just feel like you’re in the right place and you’re being productive, focusing on the right things. And you know, anything. I think that’s another thing I like about CWH based on the time I’ve spent there. There’s no pressure from anyone to have whatever huge goals you had set out achieved. We’re just told to be ourselves and let our wings fly freely. After one of the journaling sessions, we were told that it was okay if we didn’t even get anything written. Maybe you just got reflective and had some cool thoughts with yourself. Everything is just right as far as you’re connecting and being you.

My surprise is just how much you can get done in an hour. I did hear of the productive things you could do but I didn’t think it was something that would flow so uninhibitedly. It’s been enjoyable and I just know that I’d still keep coming even after the collaboration is over. Cause that’s my only difficulty so far. How to be here enough. How to keep coming here and making that platform my space for greatness.

Really grateful to @dreemsteem and the Dreemport community, because that’s one of the blessings of being part of this family. Every day is something new and a chance to be better, by yourself and for yourself. Looking forward to all the happiness next week holds, keep being positive and spreading kindness wherever you go.


Thumbnail image created with NightCafe Studio.

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